A solution that may help others

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by chrisw, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. I have been a customer of Ducati John in Leeds for over 12 years now and it was through talking with John that I started my hobby working with the IAW5* ECU's. Together we have come up with a number of solutions for Ducati related problems including immo problems on ST4S's and how to clone chipped keys.

    This morning I have been at John's place in response to a request for help with a really nice Monster S4RS that he had in. The bike had no clocks and the owner had purchased a set of brand new S4RS clocks at great expense from Ducati. However, he had a problem in that he had no Red Key and only one black key. So here's how we got everything coded

    1. Virginised the ECU for the S4RS.
    2. Cloned the red key from John's own bike.
    3. Cloned the black key from John's own bike as a minimum of 2 keys must be coded during the process.
    4. Removed the key shank from the S4RS's one and only key. This enabled the ignition to be switched on.
    5. Removed the key aerial to allow us to get absolute communication with all the chips as they were not actually on the key shank.
    6. Went through the programming routine with the red key for the dash coding. This involves turning the ignition on with the red key, this activates a 30 second countdown clock in which time you have to switch off the ignition and insert the first black key and then repeat for each key you want to program. The routine is finished by inserting the red key again and switching ignition on.
    7. The final routine is to code the ECU. This is done with the red key by switching the ignition off, on and off within 15 seconds.

    When you initially start this process the dash lights up but none of the dial needles move. However, after process 7 is finished the dash comes to life.

    The acid test was starting the bike for the first time. SUCCESS !!!!!!!

    The owner of the bike now has a red key and two black keys fully coded to his bike and the immo system fully operating.
    • Like Like x 5
  2. You should work at CERN... Nuclear fusion would be a doddle for you to perfect given the fantastically detailed description above!!... :wink:
  3. What size spanner...? :eek:
  4. A 10mm to take the antenna off :upyeah:
  5. I am sure that's all very impressive, but it might as well be written in Mandarin as you completely lost me by the end of the first sentence. :redface:
  6. The real point is that if the dealer had done this then it would have involved new clocks, new ECU and a new lock set. A potential £1200 to £1500 bill in parts alone.
  7. Was a hammer involved? :wink:
  8. Not yet...:rolleyes: X
  9. Amazing work again Chris..... ;-)
  10. It's all black art, years ago you would have been exiled for wizardry.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Or dunked in a pond!...
    #12 chrisw, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  13. Classic!! But now showing your age!...:wink:
  14. What does "virginised" mean and how do you do it? I would really like to be able to do that. Repeatedly.
  15. Ooh er missus

    Like a Carry On Film :biggrin:
  16. Nice work Chris :)
  17. If you "cloned" the red key from " Johns " bike does that mean John can borrow this customers bike whenever he so desires.
  18. No, because he does not have a key to fit the locks on the bike
  19. correct I knew that. :wink:
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