Some people consider £1K like we would consider a tenner. Thats just the way it is. Besides, a lot of restorers dont do it to profit at the end, they do it for the love of doing it and often lose money doing it. Whether this will be the case here is moot. What the description says or not, buyer beware should always be first priority. As it is most are happy to be ripped off on a daily basis for goods and services as long as it has a Ducati badge on it. Theyve been ripping us off for years. The buyer most likely knows what theyre getting into and accept that. It is still a 998R. If I had the funds I'dve done the same. Money? Who cares. If I could afford a 998R, then money isnt an issue. Hopefully, the owner will fix it up and rag the bastard. I would.
No, the auctioneer was very quick and deliberate to dis-associate it from the National Motorcycle Motorcycle Museum. There were a number of National Motorcycle Museum employees in the room and it was as if the statement was made to one of them in particular. The National Motorcycle Museum only houses British bikes, so it is unlikely they would have had an MV, and it wouldn't have been displayed. According to wikipedia, the museum opened in 1984. I am curious as to whether the Midlands Motorcycle Museum ever actually existed? The Advert says "has been in the vendor's custodianship since 1986. For many years the machine was on display at the Midland Motor Museum, then bought by the vendor who then loaned it back to the museum."
It gets a mention here …
It gets worse … THE owner of a Shropshire motor museum has been charged with stealing a £250,000 Bentley Azure from a Midlands dealership. Keith Partridge runs the Midland Motor Museum at Stanmore Hall, Bridgnorth. He has been charged with theft and handling stolen goods. Wolverhampton magistrates heard a claim that the car belonged to Broughtons of Birmingham, a Bentley and Rolls-Royce dealer. Partridge has owned the Midland Motor Museum since 1992. He was remanded on bail until 6 October.
There’s a whole blog about this Keith Partridge and his connections to a bunch of other fraudsters. He was sentenced to 6.5 years for the above mentioned Bentley theft and ‘other fraud related offences’ and the Hall where the Museum was housed was sold off by the liquidators. He didn’t setup the museum - he bought the estate after the original owner died - whether the owner of the bike took it back when the museum changed hands is impossible to know. The article states that the bikes were on display in stables - so depending on when it first came into the museum’s hands, it could have sat for 20 years in an unheated stable. The museum hasn’t existed for at least 20 years so it seems odd to make such a big thing about it at the auction.
Just to note on this thread: bike is number 635/700, keep your eyes open folks, maybe it'll pop-up immaculate somewhere on sale for 30K plus.
Sadly "real" asset price inflation attracts dubious characters who sniff a fast buck leading to situations like this.
Earlier this year I sold my as new XJS One previous owner 17,000 miles Through Hampson’s auctioneers. The guy who owns it is the son of the person that owns H&H, I was taking them by the fact that the auction was going to be held underneath the wings of Concorde at Manchester Airport. To say the car was immaculate is not an understatement Hampson’s auctions were to say the least totally unprofessional I felt like I was dealing with a bunch of amateurs.
I thought i would make comment as no one else has bothered, caging in teenagers is not the way forward with those window bars. A nice looking Jag and i bet that hurt letting it leave the family.
Not my house I wish it was ! A customer of mine that I get on well with. When the house was been built I did the TV/data work there. And I needed some pictures for the auction catalogue. Looked a lot better there than outside of my average suburban home It was a fabulous car came from £100 million car collection owned by a famous dentist called James Hull
Don't remind as i keep receiving text messages from mine every other week, with the words we need a bank balance Top UP.
Hmm..... a minter low mileage (sub 2k miles) are asking around the 30k mark, so if you can get the bits to mint this one up it won't be that far away. As others have said, to some 22.5k is a good night out and as a thing of beauty it's cheap art, even when minted up.
A year after it's sale and what would know: the #635 is up for sale again by the same auction house