Go And Get Your Psa Checked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jack Aubrey, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. On Friday morning last week I was diagnosed with prostate cancer- this scene from Blackadder kept coming to mind.

    I went to Spain in May for 5 days on track. While there I had dinner with a group of men, also in their 50’s, some of whom had survived prostate cancer. They convinced me to get tested. My local doctor’s medical practice were reluctant at first as I had no symptoms, but we did the test and then an MRI, DRE and finally a surgical biopsy.
    Ducati 1198.jpg
    If you or someone you love is in their 50’s and he has not been tested then share this with them. I too made a note in my diary, it does simply say “bugger” but I’m so glad I know now and that my surgery is now being scheduled.

    Together we can beat cancer.
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  2. Sad that you have prostate cancer but great you have caught it and hope the surgery is straight forward. Andy
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  3. Glad you caught it in time. They can do marvellous things nowadays.

    Granted I’ve not had prostate cancer (yet :eek:) but I have had two different types of cancer in the past. The first in 2006 and I think the second was 2016. Thankfully I’m still here :)
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  4. Sound advice. Also worth having a bowel cancer test. It's a simple home test kit. Results come back in less than a fortnight and worth it for the peace of mind.
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  5. I went recently and had the same reaction. Why have you come in? It was like they didn't want to bother. I told them I had chosen to because of my age, knew others with it who had asked me to get tested. Plus there was an ad campaign (Ray Winstone etc) The whole point is that it often has no symptoms so why would you wait until you do get them. I was told that if I heard nothing back then all was well. I've heard nothing thankfully. I just hope they didn't just throw it in the bio-waste when I walked out the door. I will make a point of doing it annually now no matter what. Got my HGV medical on Friday and I will have a gripe at the doc about their reluctance.
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  6. I had mine checked about a year ago. I literally had to do battle with this absolute to$$er of a GP (who I now refuse to accept an appointment with) to agree to the check.
    I was ok, glad yours has been caught in time.
    Apparently a clear PSA result doesn't automatically mean you're free and clear, however if there's a indicator on the test, that's cause for concern and further tests...Good enough I'd say.
    #6 Nelson, Nov 15, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
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  7. When you get to a certain age the NHS send you a kit...:poop:
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  8. ahhhh the poo test kit :joy::poop:
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  9. Men should enjoy the same frequency of testing of our bits as the ladies do.
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  10. Sorry to hear.
    I, like many have been lucky enough to not have had any form of cancer but did have benign brain tumour removed 5 years ago, that was completely mis-diagnosed by my GP, he said it was my wisdom tooth pressing on a nerve, dentist diagnosed and referred me rather quickly. Seems to be quite common that GP's really don't seem interested, I know it's not all of them and many will be excellent!
    As said above, what is possible medically once the diagnosis is made is amazing now. Best of luck with it all.
    I really should get checked !!!
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  11. Our local surgery is a waste of time, all appointments for the day are gone by ten past eight and if you want a ‘face to face’ appointment ( remember those ) it’s 6 weeks. I asked for a PSA test and the reply was only with the GP’s approval. I have pain in my lower back and groin for 18 months, one of the signs of prostate cancer, I’ll probably end up paying for the test privately as just can’t be arsed being 70th in the queue on the phone to the surgery…
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  12. Totally agree and also guys check your moobs and your sacks
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  13. Can you use an online form and stop making excuses ;)
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  14. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/prostate-cancer/

    Tests for prostate cancer

    There's no single test for prostate cancer.

    All the tests used to help diagnose the condition have benefits and risks that your doctor should discuss with you.

    The most commonly used tests for prostate cancer are:

    Find out more about how prostate cancer is diagnosed

    PSA testing
    The blood test, called a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, measures the level of PSA and may help detect early prostate cancer.

    If you are over 50, you can ask a GP for a PSA test.

    PSA tests are not routinely used to screen for prostate cancer, as results can be unreliable.

    Your PSA level can also be raised by other, non-cancerous conditions.

    Raised PSA levels also cannot tell a doctor whether you have life-threatening prostate cancer or not.

    If you have a raised PSA level, you may be offered an MRI scan of the prostate to help doctors decide if you need further tests and treatment.
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  15. I do have the app but was told by the surgery it’s a complete waste of time, the doctors need to upload their free appointment’s, but they don’t have any..I will call again tomorrow morning
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  16. Bloody hell I thought this was a tyre pressure thread!
    All the best with your treatment sending lots of :heart:
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  17. I had a PSA check as was weeing to much at night. PSA was off the scale. At that point you’re thinking the worst. MRI a week later showed No cancer which was a relief. However on 2 prostate meds that can have an effect on a man’s working parts.
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  18. Sorry to hear but glad it’s been caught early doors.

    Had full blood tests last year incl this and risk profiling for stroke etc. all came back clear and good, thankfully. It does seem than men’s health generally is just a soundbite often trotted out with no substance behind it.
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  19. Men of a certain age etc...the consultant i saw recently, after having a kidney/bladder scan and flexible Cystoscopy (don't ask!) after a routine urine test found microscopic blood in my pee, said to me that most men over 50 will experience some sort of prostate issue, i had a PSA test as part of my diagnostic process and the nurse who took my bloods advised me that they are not 100% accurate but are a reasonable indicator, mine was 2.2 which i am led to believe is within the acceptable range.

    I have been diagnosed with a degree of Prostatitis which is inflammation of the prostate, it can be quite painful at times and i was concerned that it would interfere with my bike riding - as yet luckily it seems ok.

    My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he was 72 and he lived a relatively normal life until he passed at 84 ,of something totally unrelated to it...as already stated above, advances in treatment are ongoing all the time and its amazing what can be done - all the best:upyeah:
    #19 yellowducmaniac, Nov 15, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
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  20. Guys thanks so much for all the supportive messages, hugely appreciated but honestly not why i posted. I'm coming to terms with the diagnosis (slowly) but more than anything i am struck with how random the whole thing has been. No symptoms. Feel so lucky and just want to try and share that with others! Hope that makes sense.
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