1200 Diavel Poor Running.

Discussion in 'Diavel & XDiavel' started by HarrisBikeNut, Jul 10, 2022.

  1. Further to my last post, my 2011 Diavel is going back to the dealer I bought it from to sort out the poor running. Issues are -
    A feeling that, until warm, its running on one cylinder. As it warms up, it sporadically fires on both - not helpful in a corner as I found out on Friday…..
    Once warm, and at idle, there is a strong smell of petrol around the bike. No leaks but even my other half commented I smelt of petrol when I walked in the house.
    Low speed running is poor, no matter which mode is used.
    Indicated fuel consumption is less than 24 mpg.
    At higher speeds / wider throttle openings it seems “OK” but not convinced.

    So the bike should be picked up early next week but I am wondering if the problem is -
    A sensor (air or other) that is faulty
    The fuel map is wrong - bike originally came with a Racefit Urban Growler fitted - does this need a different map? I fitted the standard pipe as the Racefit was “loud”…….
    A faulty coil?
    Any / all of the above or something else?

    Any suggestions gents? Anyone suffered the same issue(s)?
  2. Well, Diavel came back from the supplying dealer and now in rude health. Issue was a failed MAF sensor.
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  3. Think this is a fairly common fault on them.
  4. Had both go out on mine over the years.
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