Diavel Bentley Launched

Discussion in 'Front Page Articles' started by tricolore, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. new for 2025

    the diavel ROLLS Royce, stars at £100K
  2. Rolls Royce is owned by BMW, so I’m waiting for the Rolls Royce GS.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. i looked on AT, pretty easy to blow £460K on a roller
  4. As pointed out elsewhere, you could buy a V4 Diavel and a Pikes Peak and still have cash left to buy a Akra exhaust for one for the same money as this. But then it’s not aimed at bikers, is it?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. BANG! As the head of the hammer hits the nail.
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. We are splitting into a classes of victorian era food banks, working class earn crumbs.
  7. Lo, a miracle! GunZenBomZ has seen the light and converted to Socialism.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. That makes sense as it has half the number of wheels. :upyeah:
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  9. The crate it comes in will probably rot less quickly than the bike:D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Like everyone had pointed out all these colaborations are getting silly I assume Ducati are just getting as much profit out of their current range and design investments, maybe it’s to fund their electric development project but I’m still hoping an alternative fuel for ICE engines is in the cards
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Amazing isn’t it. They decide that fossil fuels are the thing that is causing disastrous climate change and so they decide the obvious solution is to use electric motors, cause huge damage mining and shipping things around, then have to create new infrastructure to power the damn things, and then power them with electricity which is generated by… couldn’t make it up. If the fuel is the problem then change the fuel - the infrastructure is already there and it seem like the technology is there for net zero synthetic fuels and it just needs to be scaled up to bring the cost down. I’m not part of the tinfoil hat brigade but I wonder if this would all be happening if the vast majority of oil in the world was found in the US. :rolleyes:
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  12. I think it must have been the Diavel Lamborghini that fuelled this recent crop of overpriced “specials”………when they launched that model they retailed at £28k (from memory). A year later they were changing hands at £63k and were selling!

    Ducati saw this and decided they wanted a piece of the action rather than let Joe Public make the quick money that was readily available.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Spot on - we managed it when we did away with lead in petrol.
  14. Agree, the original Diavel Lamborghini, in hindsight, was a bargain at only about £7k more than a standard 1260S. I thought with the SF Lamborghini Ducati said all buyers had to keep them for 2 years and dealers asked them to sign an agreement, that clearly didn’t work. I just can’t imagine ever seeing a Diavel Bentley on the road…
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  15. Personal i find it quite ugly ,:confused:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. They've already done the Lamborghini version. Lamborghini too are part of the VAG group
  17. Bit of history of British racing green - taken from memory !

    Back in the early days of motor racing the championship winner's nationality was important because the following year the races would be held in that country. So if an Italian won then the races would be held the following year in Italy and so on.

    Trouble came when a Brit won the championship and races could not be held in Britain because racing on public roads was, and still is, illegal in Britain.

    So the whole circus moved to Ireland, and British cars were painted in Irish Green in thanks to the Irish for hosting the events. After this British racing moved briefly (for cars) to the Isle of Man, but road racing was never permitted on public roads in Britain.

    So a bit odd to see an Italian thoroughbred in British racing green - I think I prefer it in Rosso Corsa Italia colours !
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