Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To You All!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. I know it’s a few days before the actual day but I just wanted to say a huge Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all from @Rob , @Ducbird and me.

    As always this forum has been a delight to be a part of. And I’m sure you will agree that it gets better and better………we now have almost 21,600 members and we keep on growing! And that’s down to all of you!

    Friendships, both virtual and in real life, are forged on a daily basis here and though some people have had a very tough year, to see the support given by members to those with problems is something I’m incredibly proud of. Please keep it up!

    I’m sure there will be lots of chances to meet old and new members over the coming year with lots of rides and meets being arranged. In May we have the Ducati “We Ride As One” event. And of course we have WDW in July too!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful time over the holidays and that you are able to spend it with your loved ones - relaxing, catching up, eating, drinking and having fun.

    Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2024!
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  2. My favourite online meeting place!

    Merry Christmas to all the admin team :party:
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  3. Merry Christmas to everyone on here. Thanks very much to Terry, Rob and Viv for all your hard work behind the scenes, it really is appreciated.
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  4. I wish you all what you would wish for yourself. For those of you who can, enjoy yourselves, for those of you where times are hard, I truly hope the new year brings better times. For those of you whose time is short, make the most of the time you have with those who you love the most. Andy
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  5. Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year
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  6. There are so many really good people here, its been another great year of banter & bikes with everyone. Special mentions to El T, Ducbird & Rob who make it all possible.

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  7. Merry Christmas everyone. X
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  8. Merry Christmas, best wishes to all.
    #8 Carr01, Dec 22, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2023
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  9. I couldn’t have put it better.

    For those of you who can, have a merry merry Christmas
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  10. Merry Xmas everyone and a prosperous New Year.
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  11. Merry Christmas everyone and all the best for the New Year!
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  12. Whatever we are all going through I would like to wish you all Christmas blessings.
    Thank you to each one of you who makes a difference in one form or another
    You know how much I love this forum
    Keep being the lovely people that you are

    Please reach out if you need an ear or just a virtual hug over these next few days
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  13. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
    Thanks for your generosity of mind and spirit these past few months. You know who you (all) are.
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  14. Merry Christmas one an all. Have a great one wherever you are.
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  15. Yuletide felicitations to all of you on the best bike forum.
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  16. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope your head isn't aching too much. ;)
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  17. Happy Xmas all!

    not such a great one here, both got Covid so all plans a fooked… arse..!
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  18. Ho-Ho-Ho !! Merry crimble !! and here's wishing for you all, all the very best things that life can give during this festive season & beyond.
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  19. A different Christmas for me this year. My family all decided that rather than presents we would all donate to Medical Aid for Palestine and the Oxfam Gaza appeal. Except for the kids of course.
    Anyway, I hope everyone here has a happy and healthy Christmas - sent with a big dollop of love.
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  20. Merry Christmas to you all. May all your wishes and dreams come true in 2024. Especially the one about 93 not winning another world title. And as always, forza ducati x
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