Damaged Nose Cone For 748 916 Xxx Xxx Wanted

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Davyd, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Pretty long shot I know but. I’m messing about with a nose cone from a 916 repairing it and learning about repairing the plastic. Would any of yous have a smashed one laying about I could buy to cut bits off and generally mess about with. I’m really looking to work on the ends like in pic so they are the bits I’m after. IMG_5926.jpeg
  2. Hi Davyd

    I have the top half of a red nose cone which you're welcome to. It snapped off half way up the cut outs for the lights.

    If you want it, let me know where to post it please?

  3. Hi 2Twins
    Thanks ill pm you later tinternet in rural Ireland isn’t great I’ll be home later tonight cheers.
  4. I used an old scooter panel to repair fairings in the past as long as the same type pf plastic is used you should not have any problems.
  5. I bought a seeley hot air gun for plastic welding which came with a load of ABS rods
    Ducati fairings are ABS as are most bikes.
    I also have a hot riveter for holding parts together before welding
    Bought it all as I made a 996 turbo front bumper for a boxster from 2 damaged bumpers. The ABS rods were no good for that job
  6. I have the same plastic welding gun as above and I have repaired quite a number of fairings etc using this tool. It works very well and has several heat settings that you can adjust to.
  7. Messing about I’ve used the Qbond so far and find it a really strong bond using the hot staple gun to reinforce it.
  8. I’d Just like to thank 2Twins for posting me the top half of a nose cone all free. Thanks for that sir. That will help me a lot. I’m still looking for the original bits I posted about
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