For Road use, i search a Front Faring with big holes air, for mount big airducts. Cm composit, ms production (old fabric not new) or Ducati Performances.
Just be aware that the new MS Production stuff is nothing like the older stuff. The quality they once had has now been lost and is quite poor by comparison.
Well, I am not sure I agree, to be honest… I have some original MS Production carbon on my SP3 and recently bought a new front mudguard from Desmo_Passioni, as the original one was long gone… The quality is pretty much exactly the same: very light, see through, one race only type carbon. Fragile. Frail. When I want top « street quality » heavy clear coat et all, for other applications, I chose Ilmberger Carbon. Which takes a lot of patience, unfortunately…
i search old pieces because i have all parts old except unit seat monoposto, it's still from Speed Carbon (ex Cm Composit, same company but name different). Im looking for a long time xD