Hi All - Has anyone ever carried out this task ? I have looked on youtube but not many of them seem to apply to DVT machines and those that do are either Enduro or don't show a comprehensive method. I get all the side panels need to come off right up to the point that the tank cover comes off ....I believe that the fuel cap ring can stay in place ( so no need to remove the 6 or so allen screws) and the cover is lifted off to reveal the overflow pipes / breather. So where is the pipe connection that feeds or returns ? I just want to be able to lift it out of the way to get the ECU off for re-map , put a K & N or similar on and find the fog light wiring whilst I'm at it . BTW does anyone have experience of the different air filters available ? Cheers Mick
On 1200DVT model feeding and return hoses are on the top left side of tank. You will see after you remove tank cover.
I have found it better to disconnect the 2 pipes that attach to the underside of the fuel cap further down the pipe. Once the tank is lose just follow the pipes down to see the connections. Left side just pulls apart right side you'll need pliers to open the clip (left as if sitting on bike) this way you don't give yourself the worry of breaking the plastic connectors on the underside
How many miles does your bike have ? Mines coming up for 5 years in the summer, and its going in for the 5 year belt change. However it only has 7.5K miles on the clock. I did wonder if I should change the air filter on age rather than mileage ?
I think I would suggest getting it done along with the belts etc. Mine is on 25k Miles with the belt change at 18K in summer 2021 so still a bit to go yet. I would bear in mind that your filter is likely to be paper type and will degrade depending on climate / moisture . Just my two penneth Mick
If you are looking for the fog light connecter, feel about under the front of the tank, that's easier done from underneath. Its a 3 wire white coloured connector with a plastic cap. Once located, its just about doable to take off the cap and plug in the light loom using a screwdriver to depress the catch holding the cap in place and a long set of pin nose pliers to pull the cap. I managed to get to mine and connect the fog light harness without taking any plastics off. I then used my OBDstar to enable the fog lights (although I have yet to actually swap the crash bars and fit them) I did check the lights worked OK though
How far does the mechanic go when stripping the bike for the belts, is it a tank off job ? (I'm quoted £450 by Alton), Would doing the air filter only be a small amount of extra work while he's there ? (bearing in mind the hourly rate !) I did the fuel sender myself last summer, and the air filter is just one more step further to get at it for changing. So I'm ok to do that myself if I can save a small fortune
2 minutes to do the air filter once the tank's off. Put a K&N in mine (1200 Enduro) though had a few people telling me the oil in the filter will foul the MAP sensors. Hasn't done yet but then it's hardly moved in the last few months ...