V4 The Latest V4r, Will It Hold Its Money?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by ResB1299, Nov 18, 2023.

  1. nah!

    They are fantastic on the road!
  2. Just get the bike you want because you want it! one life etc!

    I did 15k miles on my first v4r and when i got my new one in July i have put 2.5k miles on it already.
    Love it! Don't care what it's worth, just the feeling of owning a riding the thing! :)
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  3. Totally agree with this.

    The idea of buying vehicles and not losing much money, or maybe making overs, is a fairly recent phenomenon. When I was young you assumed you’d lose a bucket load of cash as soon as your new vehicle key was handed over.

    If you can afford something (by which I would ideally mean cash) and you want it then get it.
  4. Seeing low mile gen1 v4r can be had for £22k now, this is a LOT of bike for this money! I think it's nuts value at this price.
    Dealers looking to deal at this price too! Absolutely must have the akra race system though!
    Reckon these will start shifting with the sun coming out now!
  5. Like wine is made to drink, Bikes are made to ride. Neither are they an investment.
    On this note, 99.999% of the population use the word "investment" erroneously to describe any asset under the sun.
    The word investment or investor is now used so loosely that it has lost its meaning.
    Most people don't know the difference between an investment, a speculation and gambling. Even the media.

    The consensus opinion is that the latter is riskier than the former which is totally false. You could have gambling bets that are less risky than some investments. For example, say you turn-over all but one card in a 52 card deck and the ace of spades was not one of them. The next card has to be the ace of spades. It's a 100% sure bet.

    The definitions:
    An investment is a capital outlay to produce a cash-flow.
    A speculation is a capital outlay to produce a gain, based on recognizing geo/social-political anomalies.
    Gambling is a capital outlay to also produces a gain, based on probabilities.

    Consequently, if a capital expenditure does not produce a cash-flow, it's not an investment.
    On that note, we often hear that a house is a good investment. It's not.
    A house cannot be an investment unless you rent it out to produce a cash-flow. It can however, be a speculation.
    A home is a commodity. It's a component of the Holly Commodity Trinity: Food, Shelter and Energy.
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