1200 S 1200s Stripe 2015

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Andy800, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Seeing as the winter is long and as much as my best intentions seem to be I can’t help but potter and never keep anything standard.
    I picked up a monster in October last year having been unable to ride due to an ankle fracture in January. I managed get out for a few rides before the salt went down.
    Since Christmas I’ve added a few bits.
    Just fitted a set of GB Clutch covers, they are intended for an 848 as GB don’t specify they fit for the Monster. They are a perfect fit. I’ve changed the front and rear indicators for Ducati LED dynamics.
    A set of Marchesini’s in gold, RCS corsa Corta master brake cylinder, this required a different starter and kill switch, I went down the Jetprime route. The switch was a direct replacement for the throttle tube clamp which saves space.
    I’ve replaced the smoked reservoirs for clear, new chain and sprockets, titanium wheel nuts and sprocket nuts.
    I have put a heal tech gear indicator on..
    That’s about it for now, here’s a few pics






    • Like Like x 18
  2. You could have cleaned it
    • Funny Funny x 5
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. How did you get the pipes so shiny? Elbow grease and autosol?? Thinking of having a go at mine but don't want to screw them up.
  4. Cruise control and double bubble screen…you must be planning a trip..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Yes I’m Hoping to get away this year :)
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Bike looks great, and I was going to say super clean... What about the headers?
  7. Yes Autosol and a rag. Once you start you are committed, that said once they are clean it’s easier to maintain
  8. Challenge accepted… :) I’ll have a look at dropping the exhaust shield off, some of the pipes a knuckle shredder to get at
    • Like Like x 1
  9. This is the time that a bench grinder, kitted with buffing pads really comes into its own!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. This is the time when I dont look as close as you lot! o_O
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  11. Once you start it’s difficult to stop…o_Oo_Oo_O:cool::cool:.also a 2015 IMG_6855.jpeg
    • Like Like x 4
  12. Shirley your KTM pipes will shine brighter than the Ducati offerings, especially as on new bike they’re easier to polish up?o_O
  13. Awesome. That pipe is spot on, do you have a link or was it custom made
  14. It’s from Spark in Italy bought through Reactive parts in the UK,it’s meant for the 1200r,took a bit of messing and I had to make my own bracket to get it to fit,it’s a twin outlet
  15. Looks phenomenal, opens the back wheel up nicely
  16. Bike looks mint, Andy. Fellow serial modder, Andy! :cool:
  17. Shirley, how did you know..
    I go minimalist. As in I clean it when its dirty. Polishing? Sounds like hard work.
  18. Barbarian.;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Nice mods guys.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. That's a clean bike !!! Awesome!!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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