
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mike willis, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. £57 grand a year
    They may hit a few animals but humans jumping in front is not a common occurrence
    Compare them to fire ambulance and police scaping people off the road for half that money
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. Police get £40K. The average train driver salary in the UK is £48,500 per year. Train drivers can expect to begin with an average starting salary of £30,000, with the highest salaries often exceeding £65,000.

    Train driver salaries can also differ between commercial or freight roles. The average freight train driver salary in the UK is £44,418.

    Train drivers have 600+ peoples lives in their hands. In a train crash -admittedly not common- they invariably die. They have no one to share responsibilities with, and currently the government are trying to make them the only member of staff on board apart from the sandwich seller.
  3. Isn't there also a bonus/profit share scheme of some sort?
  4. OK for 20 grand a year less
    And being Conservative twice a year as opposed to twice in a career

    2022/23 236 that's potentially 236 train drivers that have out of their control seen bits of body strewn around the area

    236 that will need counselling and may never return to work again
  6. I don't understand your post?
  7. I’m made for life…. As long as I die next month…

    Hey, did Isreal just twat Iran? :thinkingface:o_O
  8. Yes Israel did -though they haven't officially confirmed- hit Iran. But fortunately Netanyahu has realised his allies are getting tired of him playing them at both ends so it was a very minor incident. The sooner that loser is out of office the better life will be for everyone
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  9. It doesn't matter. Train drivers are overpaid for what they do. And you will never convince me otherwise
    If you ever visit the far East you may travel on a train where not only is there no sandwich maker there is no guard and believe it or not no train driver
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  10. A lot lot lot less than train drivers who even when they are not striking provide shit service unlike the soldiers
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. The "Unmanned Automated Driving System" that Runs at 500 km/h Chuo Shinkansen of Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) which is scheduled to open in 2027. The Chuo Shinkansen can be unmanned, only because like the Port Liner its structure makes it difficult for people and objects to enter the tracks.
  12. You need to go to Singapore its been running for a while
  13. I probably do need to go back to Singapore again...
  14. I can't get enough of the place once there it's as cheap as chips
  15. It's not the same since Bugis Street was changed....;);)
    And I believe Orchard Towers isn't what it used to be.
  16. Unfortunately for a lot of civil servants they’re not militant enough to strike for better pay and conditions unlike train drivers. So historically successive governments have capitalised on this with poor pay increase awards.

    I don’t believe that train drivers are overpaid it’s just that they’ve managed to lever their militancy to their own advantage pay wise.

    It’s a fact that other careers are under paid.

    It’s interesting to see certain posters point out that certain sectors are overpaid and not that others are underpaid. Possibly skewed by an inherent Tory voting pattern. The greatest enemy of the working man is another working man wishing him poorer pay for his job.
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  17. It isn’t part of empire any longer………;)
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  18. Great idea, everyone should go on strike until their starting pay is £55k a year.
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