No Lights Fitted At Time Of Test.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Yukka, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm currently in the marked for a 959, I found a nice example but upon some research I found out that the service history is spotty, and the bike has an advisory on MOT from 2020 to 2022 saying that 'No lights fitted at time of test.'. My first assumption is that the bike was used as a track bike and might be pretty overmolested, is that the right assumption? Is there any other circumstance where such advisory would be put for such a long time? Not sure if I should go ahead with the purchase.

    Thanks for any advice.
  2. Not sure we can answer the questions... you can ask the seller and they would be obliged to tell you (as I understand it)

  3. I mean, is there generally any other situation in which this kind of advisory would be put on? The seller is an independent shop that bought it off a previous owner and they're no longer in contact with him (apparently).
  4. It's the only thing I can think of - presumably would have been a Day-time only MOT ? It could have been a tri-options cup bike right ?

    others on here would be better placed to answer, but there will be signs if that's the case. Drilled or wired fixings etc.. Oil Filler cap etc.
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  5. The bike does have custom fairings and some custom parts, I'll drop a link below - maybe someone can spot something that would give some more information of the history of the bike away? Also, I asked the shop to send me some more pictures of the exhaust pipes to figure out whether it's a full system or just a slip on, and noticed a corroded part, which I can't identify - I highlighted it on the pictures attached. I think it's a swingarm? Big red flag?

    /edit forgot to drop the link to the ad:

    #5 Yukka, Apr 25, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
  6. with the wheels and zorst... assuming you can satisfy yourself on the history that looks like a good deal to me...

    I'd have a look at the lock-stops... Bodywork changes and lots of Covers are a bit of a give-away it might have been down the road. These break lock-stops very easily and it's simple to spot
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  7. Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by that sentence?
  8. So on the bike there will be metal posts either side on the triple clamp


    IF they're missing you can easily see as the metal will be jagged, crystallisd snapped looking. This means the bike has crashed... Racebikes crash a lot. There is a lock stop on either side of the headstock. Look down the side of the instrument cluster... Note this is not a ducati image, but it's the same on our bikes
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  9. No lights fitted at time of test would almost definitely mean it’s had track fairings on but maybe the last owner did some track days and then left them on for the odd road ride. The corrosion you highlighted looks like a build up of cruddy old chain lube, nothing a good clean won’t sort. Checking lock stops is a good call they break off if you look at them wrong on these bikes.
    It’s got lovely wheels and exhaust on it and looks like a good deal for the money.
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  10. Thank you, I've asked the shop to send me some pictures as it's quite a trip from Manchester. This is what they sent back but that doesn't look right? Thanks again for all the help with this.



  11. Is that the item in question mentioned previously that I should be looking for to check for damage?

  12. Those are fine. It’s the lugs with yellow paint on and adjustable bolts through them.
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  13. 100% a track bike. Which in itself is nothing to worry about. But. Very careful scrutiny of maintenance history is required. Big Desmo service due at 15000 miles. The seat cover is awful. Why has that been fitted (original seat easily damaged in a spill). Carbon tank sliders scream track bike - any tank damage being hidden? Are the fairings pearlescent white to match the tank or DP track items - I bet the latter. No dealbreakers but take someone who knows these bikes with you would be my council. KTech steering damper is (yet) another giveaway. If it’s ex trioptions (which I bet it probably is) then you are looking for engine refresh maintenance invoices.
  14. 15,000 miles is for a road bike. There is a disclaimer in the owner’s manual stating if the bike is used on track, even if not for racing, the service intervals are much shorter. Andy
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  15. Yes, correct. Good point Andy.
  16. That's the problem, the bike doesn't have a service history except for 2 entries I managed to get Ducati to spill out, latest in 2019 - oil and filter. I assume it being a track bike in the TriCup, they would be doing their own service hence the lack of actual paperwork.

    I like the bike but I'm very hesitant.
  17. If in doubt, kick it out.
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  18. I’d swerve it mate.

    Everything else I could live with except not knowing how well the engine has been looked after.
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  19. Leave it, wait for one you are happy with
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  20. Thanks for the advice guys, I think I'll pass on this one. There's another one for half a grand more, no Akro cans or extras, but full service history and Desmo done 2k miles ago (13k overall mileage) that I think I'd rather go for.

    Thanks again for helping me keep my head straight!
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