Shopping - I Wants It !!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mattie821, May 6, 2024.

  1. Been waiting a while to upgrade my internet mast, introducing the Clark mast SQT15-HP (15meter/60' max). This one can have a max headload of 6.5kg; compared to 115kg of my ZT-11 meter model for a wind-turbine.

    Been looking & bidding on several for awhile, missed a nice condition 6meter pump up like this one. Then two 9mtr in fairly tatty states & this appeared & knowing the price of the others. Threw my basic bid & ignored came with middle & top guying gear & a remote control pan-&-tilt camera mounting kit which got tested but I'm not going to bore anyone with that video.


    Background of it: guy from bath used it to photograph the interiors of Cathedrals. For some project to image stain glass windows & of church architecture. The mast is 2006 but is in pristine condition, larger than I actually wanted but heyhoo I have lowered it a bit now I've doubled my internet speed.
    #101 GunZenBomZ, May 8, 2024
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
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  2. Been looking at these recently:


    And wondering how one could double (treble:D) the horsepower output...;)
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  3. Always keep a springer in the cupboard mate, as good as pcp rifles are they can be temperamental.

    I'd never sell my air arms pro sport bought it new about 10 years ago. Had a bsa super 10 but sold it as it kept leaking.
    My best pcp was an old falcon fn19, brilliant gun.
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  4. I'll never sell my springer, I remember when the falcon came out and I’d drool over the light hunter, beautiful gun.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I do find the pcp guns I’ve shot a little soulless. I haven’t got the heart to shoot anything these days except rats.
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  6. Fascist dictator....:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. Get lady Vader a mini! Lady Cringe has had all sorts but she’s smitten with the mini. Doesn’t give a shiny shite about the 911 anymore. He he he, get in! I can relax now. No more kerbed wheels, scratched mirrors or fuel caps :D:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  9. One came up on eBay not long ago, on my list aswell!
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  10. Next on the list is a cagiva planet, my first bike, maybe next year. IMG_7006.jpeg
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  11. Super rare though as I’m sure you’re aware, a very marmite bike.
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  12. She’d love a Mini Convertible, couldn’t have one as our only car tho, can’t get suitcases in it:joy:
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  13. She did think about a convertible. Summer coming and all that. But I reminded her that winter will soon follow and it’ll be noisier than a tin top. Tin top it is then…
  14. Your missus could fit a suitcase on the front seat if she didn’t bring you on holiday with her :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I like the soft myself, has a neat idea where you can just have retracted rather than folded down. Good idea that.

    My mate has sent me a photo of their new Mini convertible they picked up yesterday, he’s got rid of his 15 month old yellow M4 (lovely looking thing) and got a cooper S convertible. Got over £900 back from his insurance :astonished:. The M4 cost £90 to fill up and would only get 300 miles for that!!!!! Still, he had fun
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  16. That would suit me. Laser Vader is known to her friends as Judith Charmers!
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  17. I’m currently living in a tiny cabin on a small jack up barge (boat). I do smile at the lack of space when I think of Mrs Cringe with her curling tongs, hair dryer and enough tins, liquids and gels to cover a snooker table.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Sounds like you're keeping her in a life she's become accustomed....:D
  19. Replacing our aged garden table and chairs. Teak furniture is a headache to maintain I've discovered. Never again.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Me too. Particularly when it turns that shitty ash colour and looks like it’s been dragged up in fishing nets.
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