998 996r - Press Release, Press Packs, Etc.?

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by 92GTA, May 8, 2024.

  1. ATTN: I'm offering a price of US$350 to anyone who can sell me a complete Valencia 996R Press kit.

    After the last 1.5yrs of constant and thorough searching (I think lol), I am still unable to locate any press documents for the 996R.

    Press kit
    Press pack
    Press release
    Dealer announcement
    whatever the hell you want to call it...

    Basically, anything that announces the 996R or the release of it that would have been official communication from Ducati either to the press or to main dealers. You know, like dates, specifications, photographs on CD, etc., either in folders in person like at Valencia, or via fax or the post.

    I even tracked down 2 of the rag journalists who were there at the Valencia launch. One did not have it anymore, the other said he turned it into the MCN archives per usual and gave me the name of the lady working there. I reached out to her, and after a few days she got back to me and said she couldn't find it :(

    I'm not looking for 2nd hand sources like trade publications (Intermot, NEC, etc) or media like magazines, but the 1st hand printed-on Ducati letterhead stuff.

    If anyone has anything like this, please let me know or scan and post it! This is not only for research purposes to share, but I wish to purchase for my collection.

    Cheers - Alex

    UPDATE: Here is a picture of what the exact red Ducati "PRESS" folders look like. You can also see in the video they are at least a 1/4" thick with paper, etc.

    #1 92GTA, May 8, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
  2. Interesting project, will you share any info you discover on here?
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  3. Absolutely. I've been posting everything I discover in my pinned 996R info thread and on my 996R website.

    I wanted to make a dedicated thread on this specific aspect to get as many views possible since I've come up empty thus far.
    #3 92GTA, May 8, 2024
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
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  4. I've been told via FB by "Martyn Edwards" that on the member-only portion of the Ducati Owners Club of GB in the "Ducati Archive Section" they have all of this posted. - Can someone who is a member confirm this for me before I pay to become a member? I want to make sure it's not just brochures and stuff, but what I'm actually looking for.

    Also, another FB user posted that all everyone at Valencia got was a 2001 brochure inside a red Ducati folder but provided an image that's incorrect. Not to mention, it seems very odd. This launch was a huge deal for the brand new Testa engine no one had ever seen and a Ducati engineer was on hand just to give a detailed presentation on it, and a cut-away display engine was there as well. So then to provide not a shred of paper with specifications or anything to journalists doesn't make any sense. Plus, how would the slides of the press images have been given out if not there or in a press kit? Doesn't pass the sniff test to me.

    On the bright side, I've found a 3rd person who says they were there at Valencia that day. He's Italian so there is a slight language barrier, but he has agreed to answer a questionnaire that I send him about the event. I'm putting it together right now so if anyone has recommendations on questions, let me know. I'll send it to him this weekend. Then I'll probably forward it to the other 2 guys I met a year ago who were there.

    #4 92GTA, May 10, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
  5. @bettes ?
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  6. I’ve had a look on there, Alex, and I couldn’t find anything of use to you on the 996R.
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  7. I appreciate the confirmation. Saved me a few dollars and some time :D
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  8. Bump. Still looking.
  9. BUMP as I've updated the first post in this thread with a much more accurate image of exactly what this would have looked like that I've obtained. Hopefully this will be educational for people in what these Ducati Press kits looked like and contained, and maybe someone will answer that they have one for the 996R to get my bounty!
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