Cheap MV Agusta

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by wroughtironron, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. The obvious question is "so what's the catch?" - apart from it being in Inverness... It's Italian. It's a motorcycle. It is, therefore, never going to be cheap - one way or another...
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  2. There may not be a catch, he may just want a quick sale, like the ad says.

    If I wanted a quick sale with mine and needed funds quickly, then I'd price it accordingly to achieve that. As it is, I think mine is priced at it's value.

    Good luck to the man, sometimes bargains do pop up.

  3. Thats exactly how I got my 900ss so cheap (£900 under the vendors perfectly reasonable original buy it now price!)- it was miles from anywhere and the guy needed a quick sale. Even at £1400 I was the only person who was willing to make a journey to even view it. If i had the spare cash knocking around I'd have it in a heartbeat. (I will soon, but not quite yet) Even if you assume it will need a rear hub (and there is nothing to suggest it will), it still comes in VERY cheap.

    Hell, i clicked the map section of the add, talk of irony, even the place name is Farr!!!!!!!!! not kidding its farr away...
    #4 philoldsmobile, Aug 24, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
  4. £4.5 k is about the right money in my book.
    i sold mine for just over £4k, it was a much, much higher spec than this one, but also far higher mileage (a giddy 20,000 miles which is unheard of in the world of MV Agusta)..
    As an aside, i havent yet met an MV owner who wasnt an utter wanker...except for the few that also own a Ducati, naturally.
  5. Phew ! I'm glad I sold mine today then. :biggrin:
  6. Glad I kept the Ducatis when I bought mine. :biggrin:
  7. I did consider buying this MV at the weekend as I wasworking at Knock hill, The bike is HPI clear and has a service history, andafter speaking to the seller seems like a genuine bike, but a mint 1198s turnedup less than 20 miles from my house so I didn’t bother going to have a look atthe MV.
  8. i think the expression the kids use is, 'no brainer'.

    remember forum pics or it didnt happen!
  9. definately mate...your MV was a nice bike though. i loved mine, but would never have ousted my 916 under any circumstances..
    But as i said about MV owners being utter wankers, the only exceptions have been the ones who co-owned Ducatis...strange that ive never met an MV guy who had more than one (im sure there are plenty out there), but when i owned an MV, loads of them also had a Duke...
    The lure of the mighty twin is too much...

    For all the tecchies on there a way to get the desmodromic valve noise piped directly into my cochlea?
  10. "For all the tecchies on there a way to get the desmodromic valve noise piped directly into my cochlea? "

    Wouldn't you need bigger underpants ?
  11. Ducati 1198s.jpg
    Ducati 1198s.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
  12. youre talking son!
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