1260 Straight Pipe On Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Jose Franco, May 26, 2024.

  1. Morning all,

    I have a 2020 1260 Pikes and was looking to make the sound a little more “operatic”. I was thinking of keeping the Termi standard can for the Pikey Pete and instead make it straight pipe. Has anyone done this and did it did a retune after? Also did the sound materially improve?

    option 2 is to install a Duc.ee connnector.

    would value your views gents and ladies.

  2. The vast majority of the silencing on the 1260 Multi is in the catalytic converter, not the end can. The Termi end can on the PP is mainly a styling exercise and like the std can for the non PP models is already a straight through pipe.

    If you want to significantly change the tone then you'll need to use a de-cat link pipe or the factory approved full Termi system. A link pipe and your existing silencer will be obnoxiously loud. Both require remapping though the factory full system includes an upmap key that a dealer will need to install.

    Deleting the flapper valve by using a Duc.ee is a different modification. It will change the tone marginally but only in the parts of the rev range where the valve operates. IMHO it's a worthwhile thing to do; removing a point of failure and enhancing drivability a little at town speeds. A similar device can be bought from Healtec. Or you could use the low cost option of disconnecting the cable at the valve, wiring the valve open and adding a spring wound onto the bottom of the cable. The latter provides resistance to fool the servo motor into thinking that the valve is still connected and not showing an error on the dash. The Duc.ee and Healtec plug-in devices do the same thing, just electronically.

    In terms of drivability there are two other things you can do that, in my opinion help. I've done all three.

    1/ The use of a throttle spacer to eliminate the slight slop in the initial on/off throttle position. This removes the ambiguity at this throttle position at very low manouvering speeds.

    2/ The other is a gearing change; std final drive ratio on the 1260 is 15/40, either 15/42 or 14/40 are improvements. This raises the revs a little for any given speed without really, in practical terms, sacrificing motorway/autoroute cruising as 6th gear is quite tall anyway.

    Plenty of info across the forum on all three of these mods.
    #2 Bumpkin, May 26, 2024
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
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  3. The standard end can has no sound mitigation in it, that all happens in the catalytic converter. Experience on here will tell you, the standard can, paired with decat pipework is VERY loud. A few like it like that but most get very tired of it very quickly. Pairing the decat pipework with an after market end can that has a db killer is popular. Andy
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  4. Brilliant
  5. Brilliant…. That’s answers all my question. Thanks so much to you both!
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