1200 DVT [solve]misfiring Engine On My Multistrada

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by afilord, May 22, 2024.

  1. Didn't spot that one o_O
  2. That’s the first one I would be checking.
  3. Air temperature -40 as well. Either the battery is absolutely goosed or the diagnostic tool isn't working correctly
  4. Isn't JPDIAG particularly sensitive to which leads are used?
  5. Yeah, it seems that it doesn't read properly. The battery isn't at 6 volts, and the same goes for the engine temperature. I presume the air temperature reading of -40°C is also incorrect.

    The battery is fine, I just checked it, and the engine temperature hasn't changed even though it's been off for 2 hours.

    I'm going to order the vertical cable for the spark. It's the best I can do, I guess.
    #25 afilord, May 23, 2024
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  6. The cylinder most likely to be affected is the horizontal one as the head is near the front wheel and all that spray. There's two spark plugs and HT leads for each cylinder.

    Unless you have heart issues, esp a pace-maker you could try grasping each HT lead with the bike running... Not really suggesting that seriously, for fear of litigation, but it might aid in your diagnosis... Or run the bike in the dark and check for arcing.

    Very frustrating process. Almost worth taking to a dealer just for diagnosis. Whereabouts in France are you?
  7. I will not try to do that by myself :skull:, but instead, I have ordered the part. Two HT leads are on the way as we speak! :skull:

    I live near Geneva, and the local Ducati dealer is in Annecy. But the worst part is, the workshop doesn't respond to the calls I made. That's why I'm here ! Nice to meet you btw ! :):laughing::sob:
  8. Well, I hope that sorts out the issue. Not sure if it helps to protect the leads but I have an EvoTech head guard on my bike. 37,000kms and no problems... yet...
  9. I will buy that asap, if it's the leads ! thank you for your advice !
  10. Just be careful fitting it, you have to take the exhaust off and lots of people have snapped the studs doing that…
  11. My main HT leads failed as well.
  12. @afilord hopefully the replacement HT leads sort the problem for you but your symptoms do, IMO, appear to be more due to a fuelling issue. When a MAP sensor fails (yes you have the correct part number above) it doesn't always cause an engine management light but it will cause rough running as the ecu doesn't know how much fuel to dose.

    Also, if the information from JPDiag can be trusted, the fact the air temp sensor is indicating -40C implies its either become disconnected or is faulty. If that is the case then again the ECU doesn't know how much fuel to dose. If the ecu believes the air temp is -40C as indicated it will be massively overfueling (cold air being much denser than warm air and able to hold more fuel per cc).

    However, if JPDiag is to be believed it implies your engine temp sensor is also faulty - it would be a strange coincidence for them both the fail at the same time. Again, that's one of the inputs that informs the ecu how much fuel to dose. Again, if its giving duff information the ecu will be mis-fueling = rough running.

    Considering all the above plus you state the fuel consumption has increased dramatically would have me looking at the air temp sensor and replacing it (or making sure its connected and there's continuity back to the ecu).
  13. About the Evotech Head ?

    I hope it's that, i've one week to wait, so.. wait & see :bucktooth:

    Honestly, if JPDiag can be trusted, it also told me 'No ECU'. So honestly, at this point, maybe my Multi is becoming a ghost or something like that! I hope it's just the HT lead. I should have change theses before doing the ignition coils.
  14. I had a similar problem with a 2012 MTS 12200ST. I solved mine by replacing the MAF (Mass Airflow) Sensors (one per cylinder). If you have one of them gone, it won't run well at low revs. May be worth a try.
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  15. Sorry ...... MAP (mass air pressure)
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  16. Yes whilst removing the exhaust to fit the evotech guard
  17. Thank you for your message, i will order one ASAP. !
  18. I will make sur to be careful with it. thank you !
  19. These have been ordered this morning! Thank you for your message !
  20. Some news! I have changed the HT MAP, fixed the issues for 3 minutes, and then it went back to ""normal"". I'm still waiting for the HT Lead!
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