Spoiler Tt

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Deano69, Jun 5, 2024.

  1. Well it was inevitable that MD has become the (GOAT) after winning the twin lightweight class today putting him on 27wins! A remarkably driven racer who has carved in own pathway to many victory’s at the most testing demanding circuit in the world . An amazing rider on the roads!
    #1 Deano69, Jun 5, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
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  2. Fantastic win, there was zero slack on that throttle today. Well deserved.
    Pity the new schedule for the races seems to not be working due to the weather though.
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  3. Was speaking to my dad earlier about how he’d equalled joeys record I will need to update him :)
  4. Great win today, i watched up at Glen duff in the cold winter wind, was worth the wait..... It then honked it down in various parts and it put the rest of the day in the bin.

    New TT format leaves no wiggle room for the weather, it was ok last year when it were perfect but that's as rare as hens teeth.

    Old format was better imo.
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  5. A remarkable achievement, no question. Particularly as he’s witnessed half his family being wiped out doing exactly the same as him. Unbelievable courage.

    I still struggle to warm to him though. Seems a right miserable twat.
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  6. Agreed.

    Still only 1 King Of The Mountain, as far as I’m concerned.
  7. I dont think MD is miserable at all. He only wants to race bikes. He isn't PR as some, but life would be boring if we were all the same. If you meet him you might change your mind. He came into a bar after a superbike win a few years ago and the whole place stood and applauded him. Never seen anyone look so embarrassed but chuffed at the same time. He only wanted to have a quiet pint after his race too.
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  8. Just what he said in the post race interview, I always thought he was a miserable git, but this TT he has been really open and has shown more of himself. It must be immensely difficult to be constantly asked about it, and the pressure to achieve is huge and never-ending.
  9. I was in the paddock at the MGP/Classic TT with my then 14 year old daughter, we stepped back and actually bumped into him, he couldn't have been more pleasant and stopped to chat. Afterwards Issy asked who was that dad? When I explained he was one of if not the fastest man around the island, she replied "You'd never guess, he's not a bighead is he dad".

    Steve R
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  10. i dot nt think its possible to be miserable after absolutely spankng it round that track
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  11. Changed my mind about him after watching ‘in the drivers seat’ on YouTube.. not exactly laugh a minute but clearly very focussed..
  12. I guess it’s all he’s ever known. A bit like Tyson Fury and boxing…
  13. It's 24 years since Joey set that record so i don't see anybody surpassing MD's new total number after this weeks work for many decades to come, and that's if the TT still running.
    Let's face it with the total amount of miles they race every TT meet, it's get tougher with age for that top step.

    Just a little thought maybe reset the race in reverse order, anti-clockwise for a level playing field for the new kids on the block.
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  14. FB_IMG_1718394492564.jpg
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  15. As mentioned I've meet Michael a few times at various shows I do with the dj bike and he's genuinely a really nice chap who has a lot of time for people, guess when he's racing he's in the zone
    And totally focused on the job at hand.
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