Battery Cables

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by NotoriousREV, Jun 21, 2024.

  1. I’ve made a bit of an error whilst replacing my throttle cables and can’t remember how some of the bike goes back together :rolleyes:

    On the +ve terminal cable at the end that doesn’t go on the battery, there’s a sort of bracket that obviously goes somewhere but I can’t remember where. Any clues (pics would be ideal)?

    Similarly, on the -ve cable, there’s a terminal (loop type) that obviously connects to something, but no clue where it’s supposed to attach.

    Next time I’m taking pictures before a take it all to bits.
  2. Throttle cables? This doesn't make any sense.
  3. To replace the throttle cables I’ve had to remove the airbox which includes removing the battery box, battery cables and coils. I’m struggling to remember where the battery cables were connected to.
  4. is this any help? (have more if needed)



  5. Hi Sev,

    The first one is the round eyelet connector (dashed lines) rather than the cable tie.

    The second is an L-shaped bracket. Doesn’t definitely not fasten to anything? Seems weird for it to be included if it doesn’t attach to something.
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