So I was on my way to the Weymouth Bike Night this Thursday and a car changed lanes quickly into my lane and I went down. My bike was relatively unscathed. A broken left mirror, clutch pedal and the left upper half fairing were all that were affected. The driver had a nice dent on his left rear quarter panel from my foot trying to fend off. He kept driving and slowed down then sped off. Fortunately there were other bikers who stopped and helped me (who ever they were...thank you!). I got up, and rode home in first gear and a dangling helmet visor. My wife is an A&E nurse, she put my dislocated shoulder back in place and we spent the next 4 hours at the Dorchester Hospital getting x-rays and slinging up my fractured AC joint. I have a 2012 848 SE Corse SE in the classic red, black and white scheme. Any ideas on replacing that fairing would be very appreciated. If by chance anyone has one for sale or any other colour that I could get repainted that would be great...Thank you guys!!! I've been riding for 36 years and this is the first time I have ever had this happen...could have been so so much worse.
Sorry to hear of your off. Did the driver ever stop? Did you get a reg? Glad to hear you are relatively OK, which is the main thing.
Did the driver ever stop? Did you get a reg? Glad to hear you are relatively OK, which is the main thing. No, he did know I was there as we made I contact while he was passing me. So if you see a white Audi TT with a shoe imprint on his left rear panel...feel free to give him a wave! I took a bit of a tumble so I could not see anything and the nice guys who stopped were more interested in me and getting me off the road. I'm just happy I'm ok and the bike is in really good shape considering...