Living/diagnosed With Cancer.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. I thought it would be an idea to make a space for you guys that have been diagnosed/living with cancer.
    It's hard for some to express how they feel and that having other fellow forum members on similar journeys may make being able to share here a little bit easier for you to offload.

    It's ok to not be ok too.
    Your not alone

    I will make this a sticky so it's easy to find each other

    When your ready we are too :)
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  2. Not diagnosed or living with, have been around it a lot and all I can say is fuck cancer, it's not fair.

    Additionally, if anyone is curious about screening, let me know. I work on a company that utilises AI to screen MRI scans for cancer nodules. I previously worked for a smaller company that focused it's AI tech on just lung screening, but after a year out of work for a much needed break, I got snapped up by the bigger company that bought my previous place as they now have lung, prostate, thorax, breast and more all with AI screening capabilities across all the smaller companies they bought. Operating in US, UK and Europe
    #2 freshage, Jun 18, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
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  3. @Ducbird Had my second dose of chemo last Wednesday and its knocked the stuffing out of me, no strength to do anything I lost a stone in weight in three weeks between the two sessions, I'm trying to keep positive but I know the outcome, it isn't curable it's just a matter of time, the biggest worry is my wife can't except it , I'm trying to get my finances in order to make things easier as some are long term investments but she just blanks me.
    Thanks for your support .
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  4. I think my body is a natural host for cancer , I have now had three different types, First was bowel cancer which after an operation and chemo I fully recovered, then I got prostate cancer which I am still receiving treatment for, now the one that's out to get me mesothelioma which is in my thorax due to exposure to asbestos when an apprentice after leaving school.
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  5. Bless her
    It hits everyone in the heart doesn't it. We all deal with this so differently and there is no right or wrong way. We process it as best we can. I imagine if she doesn't look at the investments your cancer isn't happening.
    Maybe leave accounts around with your thoughts/ideas on a piece of paper that she may pick up and read like sowing little seeds.
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  6. You've done some stuff in your life Steve, I always remember your car antics. You did a lot of work driving abroad also didn't you?
    I wish i could, but i can't add any useful words apart from that i've taken onboard what you've told us.

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  7. So so sorry to read this Steve.
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  8. Sorry to hear for you Steve, know we havent met but takes a brave man to crack on with things like you are so hats off to you

    Not an easy subject to talk about generally also, not me affected directly but my cousins wife had surgery a few weeks ago for lung cancer, is in the waiting period for post tests and result. I admire them for carrying on like normal as much as possible while they are in the limbo of did it/didnt it stage. My cousin has kind of shut down to it for now and doesnt want to talk about it, like its not happening other than helping her with recovering post op as he doesnt want to process it so guess thats normal, similar to the finances thing you mention.
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  9. Yes Chris, I've managed to squeeze a lot into my life. Screenshot_20201022_115450.jpg
    This was me on the right crossing 100 miles of desert between the boarders of Jordan into Saudi Arabia on my way to Kuwait in 1977.
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  10. Hi Steve
    Was it not a bit scary driving around that area back then did you ever have any trouble in your time out that way.
  11. I was 24 and it was an adventure, my first trip in 1976 was to Kuwait delivering KITKATS, it was the first time I had been abroad, each trip was between 8 and 9 thousand miles depending on destination and took roughly a month, back then we went different ways depending on permits, my preferred route was what was known as the comi block which by its name took us through the communist countries, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and into Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and into Kuwait, sometimes I might carry on to Qatar or the odd delivery in Saudi it's self. The roads were poor and in places non existent, the picture of me having a brew was taken between the border in Jordan and the border of Saudi, it was 100, miles of dessert between the two with no indication of direction other than the odd tracks left by others and the odd oil drum , half way across was an old fort and if you past that on the left you knew you were on the right track, back to your question the only trouble back then was the kids throwing stones and nicking things and breakdowns, although there were mechanical problems on most trips there was none that I couldn't fix myself one way or another, I even had the lift pump on the fridge motor on the trailer pack up but a bit of ingenuity got around that long enough to get the load to its destination in one piece, all of my loads bar one were refrigerated.
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  12. John Dowdall (2).png

    Crossing the dessert.
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  13. Good advert for the fridge manufacturer back then!:upyeah:
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  14. Your right it was an adventure a massive one back in the day to put it into context I was 10 in 1976 and the only time anyone could see what it was like in other countries was watch a James Bond film at the cinema or watch Wickers world on tv and for you to be doing that at 24 back then is some what unbelievable especially with what was going on with the communist country’s and you had no mobile or internet but you did have plenty of Kit Kats so not to bad :yum could you imagine a 24 yr old now doing that,
    One thing I would say the roads are much the same in the UK :)
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  15. Prostatectomy. Recovered. Not come back, so far
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  16. Long may that continue
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  17. Sorry to hear of your troubles Birdie.
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  18. A very good friend of ours was also exposed to asbestos in the workplace many years ago, and now also has terminal cancer as a result. Watching a strong independent woman with more get up and go than I could dream of having, decline like this is truly heartbreaking. I feel for you Birdie, I really do.
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