The Cyclists/ebikers

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by DucatiScud, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. Eek, carbon forks aren’t cheap—fingers crossed they’re OK.
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  2. Just back from a couple days pedalling on the island. I went across to the southern 100 and (obviously) took me ribble. I pedaled it all, to the ferry, on the island and pedaled home. I'm 50 odd miles from heysham so it's not too bad....
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  3. well done officer Dibble. :upyeah:
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  4. Good spot...;)
  5. What damage is there to the forks?
  6. There is a big chip out of the top, if you look back a page there’s a photo.
  7. Soz, yes I see it now, I thought that was a close up of the shifter. Doesn't look serious to me, maybe ask your LBS?
  8. I left the bike at LBS yesterday, they will inspect it on Monday. They are going to discuss the chain failure with their supplier.

    I got back on the gravel bike yesterday afternoon and rode nearly 30 miles so I’m all good.
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  9. 60 + miles today.
    Massage booked tomorrow :astonished:
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  10. Not been out for a fair while. Tough but glad I went out.

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  11. IMG_3004.jpeg IMG_3007.jpeg IMG_3008.jpeg IMG_3009.jpeg Took the Hybrid out yesterday and ventured a little outside of one of my usual loops. Found myself having to tackle a couple of categorised climbs! :astonished:
    Never leave the path!
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. My Cervelo S5 is still at the LBS awaiting delivery of replacement forks, hopefully not much longer. As a result all my cycling is on my gravel bike so I duly obliged and have commuted a few times along the Broad Drove which has necessitated changing tyres back to Cinturato M at the weekend I did a bit more green laning. Just need 7.4 miles today to hit my my monthly target.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. I just luv the quintessential English cottage, wisteria on the south side and a garden full of hollyhocks. Just beautiful.
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  14. Cooled down a bit in the beautiful south, thank fook!
    55 miles. Just the slightest hint of autumn in the early morning air this morning.
    Temp was perfect, why when the wind does pick up it’s ’in your face’ all the sodding way home!
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  15. Had a bit of mtb happiness t'other morning, out around half seven before the oven door opens, perfect conditions to be on the cranks.....
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  16. Roadie is still at LBS waiting for the new forks.

    So 57 miles on the gravel bike today, mainly along NCN24, busy with cyclists and harvest vehicles. Nice sandwich, cake and coffee at Pronto Bikes.

    Sadly most of my photos are too big to upload.


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  17. I thought the forum resized photos to suit @Ducbird
  18. I don't think it does @El Toro
    I have to crop my pics a bit for the forum to accept the size since I upgraded my phone
  19. one trick is to screenshot the "big" picture and then it will post, albeit not as sharp.
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