Le Shuttle

Discussion in 'Touring' started by WAH900ss, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. You mean Operation Brock, put in place since Brexit. A means to hold freight and separate non-freight traffic in a bid to keep traffic flowing. During school holiday periods, it's implemented because the authorities predict a lot more traffic flowing to Dover docks and the Eurotunnel site but they don't know which days will be busy so it's left in place until September, usually, with reappearances anytime schools break up.[/QUOTE]

    Operation Crock (as in sh1t) more like it! Anyway I'm sure it's an impressively inefficient measure for thousands of road users.
  2. What are you on about?
  3. I've just looked at the ferry prices, the return trip is around £150 cheaper than the tunnel. Not having to drive around the M25/ M20, and being able to quaff champagne en route makes this a no brainer!

    The crossing is 4 hours as opposed to 45 minutes, but we'll arrive about 2 hours further south (Dieppe), and we'll save a good hour travel time, compared to driving to Folkestone. At least!
  4. The last bit not that bit - the cryptic bit.

    And they won’t improve things as they are all the same.

    Blair had the biggest ideas for genuine change, many on paper totally excellent, look how that ended.

    back on thread…I much prefer the Chunnel even if you have the issues with delays occasionally. Overall still works out quicker and simpler than ferries. Ime I’ve had more issues getting to the channel from the French side than U.K. side, but getting through customs U.K. side takes a lot longer (and always has)
  5. "The last bit not that bit - the cryptic bit"
    I think I'll just leave it cryptic.
    But you haven't answered, you have a crystal ball right? only an idiot would say that they knew EXACTLY how a new party would behave, either that or they must own a crystal ball or they are a God, I picked the polite one.
  6. Not sure what your problem is mate, used to be a decent level headed guy in person, it’s like Loz has taken your profile over online?

    You don’t need a crystal ball to know they won’t do much if anything: it’s common sense. Just like Star Wars though, we can live in hope. Can we get back to the thread now rather than centering in on one simple throw away comment?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Considering you started the ball rolling with your unsubstantiated comments about the Labour Party, i think it's vice-versa as regards who's got a problem, and also who started to take the thread off topic.
    When the last Tory "took over", did you say "Rishi Sunak will improve very little, if anything"? - no you didn't, :thinkingface: - but if you had said it, it would have been 100% accurate.
  8. My experience was it was outstanding in both directions but it was February and not the height of holiday.
    I am contemplating going with my Son in the van to the Alps with our bikes in the back as he only has a 125.
    I may need to factor in taking a ferry but as I live 3-4 hours from the channel a ferry might be the perfect rest and bonus points for a cheaper price.
  9. :poop: Not sure what part of ‘all the same’ you don’t get. And I’m not being cryptic.

    And I’m the same online as off.

    Chunnel rules :punch::upyeah:
  10. I left on the tunnel and returned Sunday , I’ve got to say it’s the worse it’s ever been < I use the tunnel 8-9-10 times return a year , it’s been going down hill for some time . Yup -queue here queue there , customs just lazy B’s on both sides , no info just boarding , being called , boarding . what really gets me as it did this Sunday , trains delayed yet loads of empty carriages , why don’t they just fill them all and relieve the lines of cars bikes .

    im trying the boat next time for the first time in years and far far cheaper .
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. We travel with our dogs so it's Le Shuttle every time.
    We do a late crossing (circa 11:00pm) when very few people are around, it's very peaceful and we haven’t experienced any delays.
    My experience with the ferry is that it's very slow to load & unload, usually delayed and certainly not dog friendly.
    Happy travels!
  12. It was fantastic in the 2000's, on time with low cost if you knew how to play the game, but like everything in life now........it's f'@@ked.!
  13. Last time I used a north sea crossing, it took about two hours to disembark. Absolute bollocks tbh, stood in bike gear with the heat off all the engines. Customs at North Shields return could take far too long too.
    There is at least some camaraderie, if travelling with mates on motorcycles. Beers and laughs on the evening. Sort of like an extra night away.
    Always though, it has been worth the effort for bike trips imo.
    Newhaven/Dieppe was a decent crossing with the car, not done it with the dog.
  14. I use the Newhaven/Dieppe ferry as a preference. It's fine on my bike, but I came back by car two weeks ago and we had to wait an hour to get off the ferry, then another 30 minutes in the passport queue. The problem is every vehicle, truck, car, bike has to use the same single exit ramp on the lower deck, so that deck has to clear itself of trucks first. Arriving at Dieppe is much better the twin exit ramps from the top deck can be used.
  15. That is the drawback. But getting on is much quicker than the tunnel, so it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other!
  16. Always use a Portsmouth-Caen or Portsmouth-Cherbourg ferry. Suits us better as our house is that side of France and we don't have to go anywhere near the M25. Its also over 200 miles less driving distance and you get a break whilst on the Ferry.
    Brittany Ferries is a cut above P&O.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Used Le shuttle yesterday evening back to France, booked a slot around 6 pm, arrived 4.30, given an earlier slot, that was then delayed by twenty minutes.
    5 minute delay disembarking due to a broken down car. Not a big issue and literally only five minute delay while they got a recovery vehicle to tow.
    Again, a better experience than ferries imo.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. What documentation do you need for the dogs??
  19. It’s not the ferry experience that makes me use ferries but the fact I can avoid London and Paris on my journey.
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