2024 Paris Olympics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Red899, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Well that would work for me. Spikey little fuckers… :laughing:
  2. Impossible to monitor many thousands of miles of track. Inner Paris is a ring of steel today, my brothers have left Paris as it’s difficult to move around as permits are needed to move within. Paris full of army and Gendarmes. Whatever happened to an enjoyable relaxed Olympic Games, very sad world we live in.
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  3. Even sadder that these people feel it’s the only place where their voice will be heard.
    I’m genuinely looking forward to the opening ceremony though and I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys :upyeah:
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  4. The 1970s were a long time ago and I can't see that happening now. Much more likely they would use double sided tape.
  5. I am half French and I apologise for the awful opening ceremony so far!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. Were the dancers performing on a wet stage there to symbolise something about french drainage?
  7. Watching the turds float in the River Seine would be far more entertaining.
  8. Nauseatingly woke. Glad it pissed down…

    Pah, I’m such a grumpy old fucker…
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. To many geezer birds dancing about,
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It has improved a lot with nightfall….
  11. Yeah, agreed, I’d have done much better at high jump if they’d nailed hedge hogs to the bar.

    And as for pole vault!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Thoroughly enjoyed it myself,
    exactly what the Limpics is all about and the light show off the pylon was incredible.
  13. As I stated earlier, once nighttime arrived it got so much better. Loved some of the funky dancers, thought Celine Dion was AMAZING and the hot air balloon is brilliant too. But the first half I found difficult.
  14. About this « turd » thing in the Seine you guys are joking about…

    To be totally fair, the Seine river, which I have known since I was a kid, has never been this clean and unpolluted for the past 50 years. Changes started about 10-15 years ago when some fishermen reported catching some trouts downriver from the city. Not many, but when you understand how rivers work, it’s a strong sign of clean (non-poisoned) waters. Then during the COVID confinement, when boats stopped cruising on the river, within a few weeks, it became cristal clear downtown.


    What was reported in the media in May/June (traces of a bacteria Escherichia coli detected in the river) was due to the unusually abundant rainfall experienced this spring… Basically sewage overflowing due to rain.

    Shit happens, ya know! :D
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  15. I don’t think Britain has the right to criticise any country about the state of their waterways.
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  16. Same in London. The air has never been so clean… it’s just about control ;)
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  17. Oh Christ, don’t set jez off… :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Dont worry , we jest. I grew up equally spending time seeing the Seine and Thames. Both were not good 50 years ago. Then the Thames got cleaned up, eventually to a very high standard. Now that has literally gone to shit.

    we joke about the turds in the Seine due to the recent protests where people deficated into it.

    Put into context. I washed in rivers in Himalayas far from habitat etc, you would think the cleanest water just coming off the near peaks, but I got jiardhia, from the animal poo in the water probably, so you never can tell.

    overall and now on reflection well done Paris for trying to do something different with an opening ceremony. Great ideas, may be bit too French for most of the world audience but fair play to them.

    And I have to say Celina Dion was incredible. Not exactly my kinda thing, but just wow. She nailed it spot on, it was a truly unique and emotional moment.
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  19. About the show, it was the same as the opening ceremony of the RWC last summer… Rugby fans would have loved something a little more « warrior » like, you know. But rich Parisians are what they are… Bobos (bourgeois bohème).

    Personally, for the rugby event, I was hoping for something like the shows you can see in le Puy du Fou, in Vendée. The most amazing theme park I have ever visited in my life (not a Disney Parks fan…).

  20. Fixed for you
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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