What’s Really Killing Trackdays? A Theory….

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Phill748, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I think it’s a 44T scaremongering video

  4. Bacon

  1. Yep, some guys go mental. Must have hugely oppressive wives so go full tonto when they get a leave pass. There were 3 lads in my garage at Valencia, they got the afternoon of the last day in. That was it. Unbelievable :laughing:
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  2. As I sit today, I have been pondering whether to book on for Snett on the 19th August and just can’t decide if I can be bothered.

    My mates are riding, but if I ride I need:

    - my bike serviced (it’s already over due and only a year old)
    - a rear tyre after the day
    - a brake guard
    - a rear paddock stand (so I can use warmers, or maybe just not bother)

    - to loose about a stone in weight so I can actually breathe in my leathers….

    hmm…. Might just go for the beers
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  3. Sums up me a trackdays perfectly :upyeah:
  4. Spent about 5 yrs tracking and racing with around 20-25 days on track per year while living in Sweden. Came back to the UK
    and have done 1 in 5 yrs.
    Everything just feels like too much of a ball ache, from death or glory riders to scrotes stealing kit, not to mention
    a lot of the tracks not allowing overnighting in the paddocks. Really have no interest at all these days.
    #124 990Glen, Jul 29, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Why not do a euro? Far more relaxed experience.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Would rather go touring with the time needed tbh.
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  7. 748 & 916 now eligible for CRMC races…… I am in for 2025.
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  8. Have to admit, I did 1/2 dozen this year so far and none booked at moment, which is about 1/2 what would have done already and would have at least another few booked for Aug/Sept.

    My generator went pop and cnt be dealing with the Snetterton garage nonsense these days so limits my local track options a bit. If i do another one also need new tyres so looking at quite a bit of cash out before even get to the circuit.

    Sad to say while the sun is shining and its track weather, but might be my season done for this year!
  9. Noooo!:joy: You gotta do one more Brands with me! I will be doing one end August/start September. Them tyres on yours easily have loads left in them for another day!
    Going back onto topic, think it’s just cost of everything and the unpredictable weather ruining your day if you like to book early. I tend to leave it to the last minute and keep an eye on weather and availability.
    I think TD’s are quite good value for a decent experience every now and again. I prob do about 5 a year. Depending on circuit, I get 3 days out of a set of Metz TD slicks(flipping the rear) at Brands, which is not too bad. Another local track to me, Lydden, tears tyres to bits, lucky to get a day and half there!
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