996 916sps

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Kevin Tallant, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. Hot start problems, any suggestions?
    My 916sps finally runs like a dream but if I stop after a decent run it is a absolute pig !!! Cutting out if I do not ride the clutch and keep revs up.
    Have tried the opening fuel cap trick, read something about pins corroding behind plastic water expansion bottle ?
    Any thought comments abuse are welcome as sat on bmw 1250rs last week and I'm thinking boring German shizers could be on the horizon !!!!!!!!! Really can't belive I'm contemplating this !
    Please help !
  2. Have you had the throttle bodies set up mate??
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  3. I think when the tps and chip was changed this was done. If I say stop for breakfast there's no problem, but a quick stop to use phone or refuel and I have problems. I'm crap with this sort of thing, but it's due a desmo service in November and I've been told about decent place in North London.
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  4. Could be many things, but seems to be temperature related. Could be a faulty IAT (Intake Air Temp sensor), which would affect the whole rpm range negatively, but of course most noticeable at low revs.
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  5. It doesn't want to rev at all, constantly blipping throttle to stop it cutting out in traffic/slow speed. The air intake sensor would make sense. It seems to clear if I can hit higher rpms a few times,.
  6. Your bike is probably twenty-five or more years old.
    I took mine apart a while ago and found lots of rotten rubber, blocked filters, corroded cables, rusted paint, failing hoses and tired fluids.

    Now she runs sweet as a nut and is worth all the time, effort and cost.
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  7. It had run for years, so it had everything alledgley gone through.New tps, chip, clutch, new front discs, new rear caliper,full desmo service etc etc. But I suppse I've gone about 2k on it recently so probably needs another fetal.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Edit Hadn't run for years (9 I think) !
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  9. Always have another bike besides an old Ducati If it really is temperature related then coils and relais are suspected. Another part which can give problems like this is the ecu. Especially the first gen 749/999 knows this problem but the 59M ecu is a bit more easy and cheaper to replace than the P8 I’m afraid. Nonetheless with the effort you put in already I would get the ECU checked by a specialist and change out both relais under your seat.
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