Living/diagnosed With Cancer.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. It’s a horrid disease. It’s those closest to you that take it worse.

    I’ve had two types, and thankfully surgery did its job (so far).

    if you ever need to talk @Birdie you know where I am :)
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  2. It's all been a bit of a mess these last few weeks, I started going down hill rapidly, went into hospital and they found I had a chest infection and a blood clot on my lung, was put on 14 tablets a day, my third course of chemo was delayed by a week, I had the third course last Wednesday and although I have absolutely no energy I do feel a bit better in myself.
    Thanks Steve.
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  3. Thank you for the update Steve. I never owned a "baby" Elan so i really envy you, as it looks like you knew them well. I went to look at a couple but settled on a cheap TR5 instead in around 1975.
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  4. Thats good to hear you feel a bit better in yourself
    Just rest up your body is going through a lot of energy and it's ok to have rest days :)
    Blood clots are painful I had 4 in one go! bloody picc lines
    I see you and I hear you
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Lotus Elan.jpg Lotus.jpg

    It had a few modifications Chris, the arches were widened and it had a half race balanced engine and this one was fitted with twin 40 Webbers not the SU carb's fitted to later models, It had a habit of getting through wheel bearings also. Reg number was LOT 17F
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  6. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels creeping up, I was told today. So may be a metastasis from my prostate cancer of years ago. Offered a PET scan at Barts Hospital, to check. So it goes.
  7. Good luck Pete, fingers crossed for you.
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  8. Fingers (legs & arms) crossed for you Pete.
  9. everything crossed for you Pete
  10. Let’s hope it isn’t any metastasis.
    My best wishes, Pete.
  11. That sounds like quite a machine! Where is the pic taken?
  12. Southport beach, you can just see Blackpool Tower in the background although not very clear..
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  13. 27 September for the PET scan.
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  14. Keep us posted
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  15. Unfortunately “cheap” and “TR5” are no longer used in the same sentence.
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  16. Latest update, my prostate blood levels are back to normal so the consultant says I don't need any more treatment other than six monthly blood checks, as far as the mesothelioma I had a scan two weeks ago and it showed that the chemo had shrunk the tumour, bearing in mind that it's a 50/50 chance of it working is good news, the scan also showed that the blood clot on my lung had completely gone, I should have been having my sixth and last session of chemo today but because of low platelets in my blood it has been pushed back a week.
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  17. Great news Birdie, nice to hear a positive update.
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  18. thank you for the update Steve, it's made me happy to read this.
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  19. This is lovely news to hear @Birdie
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  20. Great news!
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