Managed to trace all the wiring on the alarm and remove it all which I'm delighted at as it's been a long job. Only thing I have left is the fuel pump connector, looks like a plug and play type connector directly off the wiring loom of the alarm but it's all into some serious heat shrink so I don't want to start cutting that open to see if it just unplugs like the brakes switch pedal one did. First pic is the plug the alarm loom unplugged from, bottom pic is the bit of alarm loom.
You just need to bridge that connector. It was provided in the original loom to enable the alarm fitment. If you had no alarm, it would just have a connector in it with a loop of cable across both terminals. You could you use the alarm connector you’ve removed…. Just join the two wires
@nelly Thank you so much - I hesitated before posting and nearly started slicing open all that OEM heat shrink to find a piggy back connector ! How does this look ? is there anywhere specific it should tuck away or just up with the main loom secured to the rear subframe ?
That’s fine. The wiring runs up the subframe rail and is tied in with the loom by the rubber strap in the top left of your picture
I used this site to loop mine out...there was a youtube vid and another but those sites have gone. Ess just looped the yellow wires and emptied the gubbins of the alarm. I left the wiring alone as its all black wires and the bike works fine and no alarm.
Thanks for this, my bike is in pieces with a million jobs on the go, so I decided to trace all the wiring and get it all gone which I made difficult for myself as I didn't realise it was a plug and play alarm ! I did see the bypass links, which would have been easier but the 6 wire plug had some black burn marks on the starter motor cables part so I decided caution was the best policy !