Speeding Fine

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mike willis, Sep 25, 2024.

  1. I recently attended a speed awareness course and it cost me £100.
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  2. Cheaper all round than the points/fine/insurance hike.
  3. Say it’s a 50, what do set your indicated speed at? I’m usually motorway munching in my Vito. Due to speedo over read (~8%) I always set mine to 54mph. So far so good.
  4. Normally 52mph. I allow 5%.
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  5. Fair do’s. But if anyone creeps past me I just want them killed. Painfully :D
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  6. (Not intended as an ooh look at me post) I rode through the 20 odd miles of 50mph average cameras on the m25 happily sat at 55-60 a few weeks back. Not a dickie bird. Never over 60 is my general rule which touch wood appears to work. Same as never above 90 through a normal motorway camera.

    Only time I’ve been done for speeding was an undercover plod car in the pissing rain on the m11.
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  7. I set 31mph in 30's, 44mph in 40's, and 56mph in 50's. I travel a good 20,000miles per year, through at least 3 average limits twice per day, and haven't had a ticket within those limits anywhere.
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  8. I would say he has been very unlucky. There are not many people that will have been done for 53mph in a 50mph zone on an average camera.
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  9. I’ll not use luck in the pursuit of keeping my licence from getting a full house of points.
    Driving 40k annually through numerous camera zones both fixed and variable, I’ve given up trying to get to my destination in the quickest possible time.
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  10. Good boy. Have a biscuit and a pat on the head.

    I'm just pulling your leg, but conditioning/training people to feel gratitude towards the authorities for not being punished as a consequence of transgressing petty and often arbitrary rules is one of the goals of a surveillance state.

    No shade - we've all been tamed, including me.
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  11. I do believe some insurers can & do ask if you have been on a speed awareness course recently and, of course, your insurance would be void if you do not tell them...

    Vans/trailers/caravans have different (lower) speed limits on single & dual carriageways - are speed cameras able to differentiate vehicles I wonder?
  12. That's right. The 14 day rule only applies to the first NIP sent to the reg keeper, but not any subsequent NIP which arises as a result of the reg keeper providing details of the driver pursuant to a s.172 notice.

    Also worth knowing is that the 14 day rule does not apply where the driver is stopped by a police officer at the time of the offence.
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  13. Somebody wiser than me said that to be a rebel you need to live within the law...
  14. AFAIK there are 4 different courses available dependent on offence.
    I’ve been on 3 differently focused classes since around 2004.
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  15. From my experiences in between 4 and 6 years ago, 10% +2 does not apply in Lincolnshire.
    68 in a 60 overtaking a VW camper doing 40mph on a sunday morning on an otherwise empty road and 46 in a 40 on a Saturday afternoon, resulted in a £96.00 + half day off work speed awareness course and a £100 3 pointer as the second was within 3 years of the first.
    Both by Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership vans which are equipped for forward or reverse facing equipment.
    Average speed cameras have been fitted between Market Rasen and Ludford on the A631 this year, and the previous 60 reduced to 50, unfortunately in these rural parts they then had to spend several weeks digging up the road to install an electricity supply to the cameras as some prick in the council planning office put them all on the opposite side of the road to the power lines. They will be needing plenty of revenue to pay for that so I wouldn't be gambling on 52 or 53 being safe.
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  16. Lincoln is notorious for being strict on limits.
  17. The old bill used to hide just inside the 30 limits on the lanes around Cadwell - they caught me too at 37 mph, 10 yards inside a 30.
  18. North Yorkshire plod for you :rolleyes:
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  19. I should clarify that when I am talking "safe" speeds I am talking speedo reading speeds. To get done at 68 in a 60 the speedo was likely reading over 70 and for 46mph in a 40 the speedo was likely reading 48/49mph. I am not saying it is safe to do 56 in a 50, I am saying it is safe to do an indicated 56 in a 50 which is probably only 52mph....

    (When I check the V4's speedo speed with gps speed there is almost exactly a 10% over read which is what is listed in the owners manual).
  20. It's worth noting that if you change wheel or tyre sizes on some vehicles, then depending on where the speedo takes its reading, that can also affect the speedo reading. When I changed the wheels on my 911, the rolling diameter of the new/wheel tyre setup was slightly larger than stock and so the speedo went from being approx 10% over to being pretty much spot on and I had to keep reminding myself that I no longer had that psychological margin for error.
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