Hi Just Joined And Need A Little Help With My 1198s

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by DE10R, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. I have a replacement crank and new rods as well. The originals could be saved but not worth the hassle. Will use them as a paperweight.

    going to get a pair of wossner pistons and then get them balanced up. Will change the cups of the main bearings too.

    I would have had the RS engine before I started the teardown but have gone too far already with this one now.
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  2. No signs of over heating only damage I can see is to the crank and the spun main cup. Slight damage to one of the pistons but only minor.

    don’t really know what caused it and managed to shut it off after about 30 secs when it went.
  3. I believe its called blueprinting...... I would also get crank rods and pistons etc balanced.
  4. kerr-ching - have you got any approximate quotes for a disassembled engine "autopsy" Andy? - might help the O.P. decide on his course of action.
  5. ..sometimes it just happens doesn't it? your early shut-off definitely helped. Unless you want to go "full-blown" Sherlock Holmes on the engine, all you can do is what you are doing - look for any signs of damage/overheating and get anything confirmed by a trusted engine specialist if necessary, and then start getting in all parts needed. If you are in no hurry then the more information you can get ready for the rebuild, the better. A lot of it can be "doom and "gloom" rather than positivity and you have to steer somewhere around the middle of the two otherwise you would never get it finished.
    This one was worse than yours but similarities:-

    #25 Chris, Oct 16, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2024
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  6. Not as expensive as going through all this with the cost for it to go boom again because we scrimped on something!

    I think the OP is doing just fine!!

    Balancing isn't expensive. crank rods pistons gudgeon and circlips couple of hundred quid. I used a company called Midland balancing. He did a magical trick with a 6" cutting wheel at the webs on the base of a std crank, a necessity if you went with lighter pistons/rods.

    No one said its cheap
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