Good Morning The petcock on my tank appears to need replacing; I've got if fully closed off atm while the carbs are out, but still getting some fuel coming through the main hose which is still attached. I presume that indicates the internals on the petcock are worn. Is it an easy enough job? This looks like the OEM replacement. Are there any other petcock solutions to consider?
I’m sorry I can’t help with your question. I think it’s a shame that the word Petcock (fuel tap) is no longer in regular use and I wonder if younger people even know what it is. Has it been sidelined due to its double entredre or because mowers and motorcycles no longer use them.
had a similar issue moons ago, difficult to explain but before you bin it remove it from the tank, as it's possible to fit in error as the thread portion is a tad overlong IMO and results in the mating surfaces being too far apart and the copper seal washer failing to perform correct function. Not very clear sorry, the spigot face and copper washer need to mate as close as poss to the tank and it's entirely possible whomever fitted it before left a nice big space between the tank petcock to get better access to the fuel hose. (Ask me how I know)
Is the word an americanism? I don't remember using it 40 years ago, it was called the fuel tap back then in my town.