Healtech Servo Eliminator

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by knight-king, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. Hi all , having recently picked up my 848 evo, in with the bits was a heal tech servo eliminator not fitted to the bike , could anybody help me to decide whether or not I should be looking to fit it on the bike or not and what to look for , it's currently got termignoni end cans on and that's as much history as I have bar a good service history. thanks any help appreciated:)

  2. I presume that's an exhaust servo motor eliminator. Check if you've still got the valve in the exhaust system and if its still connected to the servo motor or whether or not a previous owner has just disconnected it.

    Pros and cons of having the exhaust valve. It's there to close at a certain rev range, around 3500-5500 just to reduce noise at the levels noise and emissions were measured at the time. There is an argument it increases low speed torque due to increased pressure in the exhaust system when closed but that's a different discussion for here. Many owners remove it because it rusts and seizes and can cause an EML if inoperable (because its an emissions related aspect of the engine mgmt system). At key on the ECU attempts to close and then reopen the valve so it can check its working, if its seized it can't do that and throws an EML.

    Just check the valve, if there, is working or not, you'll hear it at key on. If the valve has been removed, check if the servo motor is still there or whether that's been removed too. The eliminator plugs into the loom where the servo motor connects and tricks the ECU into believing the valve is still present and intact.

    If you've no valve, or a disconnected valve, and no EML then don't worry about anything just ride.

    Its part 31 for the motor and 20 for the cables and valve in this parts diagram.

    Screen Shot 2024-11-19 at 14.19.48.png
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  3. brilliant, thanks very much for the info I'll get digging into it and see what I find
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