1299 1299 To 959

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by raphael, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. Afternoon all,

    due to a pretty crap year health wise I’m looking into selling my dream bike (1299) to something a bit easier to manage.

    has anyone gone from a 1299 to a 959? Is it an easier bike to ride at lower speeds? Is the clutch lighter or would I find something like a zx6 easier around town and touring?

    Any info would be much appreciated

  2. 959 is easier to ride at slower speeds than 1299. Clutch is pretty much the same on both. ZX6 will definitely be easier around town. By a distance. Touring? Probably not much in it.

    Having had a difficult year myself I sold a couple of bikes early in the year thinking I would not be able to ride sports bikes again, especially 200bhp plus ones. I was (luckily) wrong and am back on superbikes. Take your time and get it right. Obviously a test ride on both bikes is a necessary step.
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  3. Appreciate your reply mate, cheers
  4. tbh mate I think I’m destined for a smaller bike, I know they’ll only go as fast as you twist the grip but after a stroke I think all the big bikes are well and truly out the question for now,
    • Love You Love You x 2
  5. One of the bikes I sold was my s1000rr. It was too tall for me to have confidence on with a severely weakened left arm (accident related).
    I replaced it with a 765 Street Triple which I love.
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  6. Ooh good shout.

    In which case a Daytona 675/765?

    I had a black and gold 675 and selling that is still a huge regret.

    re the 959 I had one but no 1299 to compare to.

    Aesthetically perhaps the 899 ?
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  7. I’ve owned several Daytona including the 765 moto2 job. IMHO the 675r Gen 3 (2013 on) is the best.

    I would definitely look at the 765 Street Triple. Cinch to ride. Fast. Light. Great handling. Tours effortlessly (Kriega luggage). Especially the 2023 on bikes (again, owned 2018 and 2023 jobs).
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  8. Can’t comment on touring but loved my 675RX. Handled great. Was a real pleasure to ride.

    Probably should have kept that too!
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  9. Get an 899!!!
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  10. Much difference between that and a 959 mate regarding the clutch and around town? Excuse my ignorance as the 1299s I have is my first Ducati
  11. I commuted for 3 years in all weathers on one. Been down to Valencia and back and iom on a couple of occasions, brilliant versatile bike.. Got one tucked behind my couch for sunny days only now.
    I do find it easier on the clutch than the 959 I owned, not owned a 1299 though.
    Had 4x 675 brilliant bike and you will definitfind it “easier” to ride than any Ducati but it’s not a Ducati at the end of the day :)
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  12. 675 would feel very “small” if I went back there now I think.
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  13. Sounds promising mate thank you for the reply much appreciated
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  14. I found some aftermarket levers helped hugely too. I like stubby two finger jobbies but either them or the long Evotech ones helped massively.
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  15. If you have low strength in left hand get a bike with a blipper. Clutchless other than first. Pani V2 or 765 latest generation fit that bill. As do many more.
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  16. I’ve looked at gearing and Oberon slave on my bike to try and make it easier and I’ll do the same, I’m making the bike fit me and my injury’s but I think the main thing is the shear brutality and how fast the 1299 is, since the incident I can’t compute that quick and I must admit, this bike is now scaring the crap out of me:joy::joy::joy:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  17. You would say that! :cool:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Still a lot of fun. Cornerspeed and all that …..
    • Agree Agree x 1

  19. The full arrow system on a 675 is in my top 3 favourite bike soundtracks of all time. Never had one, only had the slip
    ons but had a couple of ride outs with a fella who did. Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it haha that bike was/still is a peach and every sports biker should own at least one in their lives.
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