750SS ie - the dreaded"click"

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by muzzer, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Hi all, went out for quick ride this morning to pick up some bits I'd ordered form a shop.
    She started fine and everything was normal on the way there, arrived at shop, did my business and went back to the bike.
    Ignition on, press starter button and all I got was a click from the solenoid.:mad:

    I've done all the usual checks (including trying a jump lead direct to the motor terminal), and power is getting through to the motor - it just won't turn over. I suspect it's self-destructed somehow, so I need to get it off to check.

    My question is - if I remove the starter motor will I get wet feet? Is it in a "dry" part of the crankcase or will I have to drain the oil first?

    It's a 2001 750SS ie

    Cheers in advance
  2. unfortunately it's 'wet' but if you are clever you can lean bike over so as not to spill any oil. When you tried remote cranking you also put earth lead clamp on engine? Both starter/battery lead routes are capable of playing up but it is normally the live it's true - for several reasons.
  3. Check both live & earth commections at battery, solenoid & starter. I recently did the cable upgrade and the difference is amazing- see my battery cable post - Also is your battery in good shape, how old is it?
  4. Thanks for the replies.
    I've measured the starter motor coil resistance - or rather lack of it as it's open circuit.
    Looks like a new starter motor, or maybe if I'm lucky just the brushes are shot.
    Strip down time :rolleyes:
  5. +1 for the battery cable upgrade like changing from a 6 volt battery to a 12 volt
  6. Thanks for all the replies.
    Got it sorted now - it wasn't the actual starter motor but the crimped connector on the end of the wire!
    Not sure why the motor didn't turn when I applied jump leads to the motor bolt, but it turn over fine now.
    I've replaced the spindly OEM cables with ones that are a bit more up to the job, negative cable included, and soldered the terminals as well!
    Glad I didn't have to replace the starter [​IMG]
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