At a risk of getting hung drawn and quartered ......the tank lettering is too big in my humble opinion
I can’t stop myself revisiting this red bike. In our times of ever-encroaching Orwellian scrutiny, something of this era makes an increasingly appealing option.. (to me)! I should get on my 750GT, but the after effects of various treatments have left my hands next to useless for ‘proper’ clutches and heavier controls. So I may actually have to sell the GT and perhaps give up altogether
It's New Year and time to make those resolutions & I reckon Mr Borgo, yours must be to start to exercise those hands and get the GT on the road with a clutch you can operate. As you've said yourself it is an appealing option which I can heartily agree with, after a year biffing around on the Darmah. You soon learn to slip him into neutral before coming to a stop, and the throttle isn't really a pain at the sort of openings you'll be using. Obviously do the usual cable/push rod checks and perhaps you may be able to change the bar lever to one that gives a different ratio in conjunction with one of these ? Or how about a full blown hydraulic system? Either way within about 400 yards of taking the GT out you will be so glad you did summat about it.