That reminds me - I have photos, most likely stuck on an old phone somewhere, taken during that very snowy winter of 2010/11 of my kids hurtling down a very steep hill on a toboggan I’d fashioned from a crashed 748 fairing!
I’m lost. Please can you explain the joke? The caption doesn’t make sense as there appear to be words missing and I don’t know why the pic is supposed to be funny either. Ta
It took me a while to make the connection be honest, but I have only ever watched clips of The Adam’s Family.
Ah, ok. I get it now. I was thrown because I thought the figure was from The Umbrella Academy because IIRC all the kids were named after days of the week. Edit: Google tells me that the kids were not named after the days of the week, but were numbered
An object lesson in how to take a photo of a motorcycle... not by standing and looking from above but crouching down to it's level and looking across.