My rev counter has stopped working. I undid the cable at the clock end and the cable only sort of spins now and again. It doesn’t appear to be broken so I guess it’s the drive in the crankcase. I can’t find any info on what I need to replace or how to do it. Has anyone got a guide to it? It’s not even mentioned as a thing in the Haynes book.
Remove the drive from the front top of the forward cylinder and check the cable, which is most likely broken.
Or, it's square and the drives, or cables can get rounded inside the joint, therefore just spinning without turning the otherside
Hi, I've a 97 SS and have a similar problem. Please don't take my advice..I know nothing. Anyway, by way of suggestion. Can you spin the bit where the tacho cable goes into the tach should be able to get a reading (small) on the tacho itself. Pull the inner (tacho) cable out. It should be squared at both ends but should have a brass ferrule at one end. This inner cable can be fitted either way around but the brass ferrule should be fitted at the tacho end. (Got that from a poster on here). The problem I had is that the ferrule moved on the inner cable and gave a problem similar to what you are experiencing. Like I said.... Far better people on here to take advice from and I use them a lot. Hope you get it sorted.
You, sir, are a genius. This was the problem. I took both ends off and confirmed that the cable wasn’t broken or rounded off, but found that the ferrule was at the crankcase end. I pulled the inner out (the ferrule seemed to be fixed in place) and reversed and the rev counter now works perfectly. Thank you!
Glad you got it sorted. As much as I would like to take the credit, it was member (pauldonjuan) that told me of that fix. Loads of knowledge available on here. My cable was also the wrong way around but my ferrule is loose and slides on the cable. Needs recrimping or securing at some point. Anyway, a repair that costs nothing but your time has got to be a good thing. Well done mate