Featured Single Malt

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. I normally get shit as I like it with ginger ale, but got given this single malt for Christmas. I refuse to spoil it with any mixer. Just tried my first shot neat and it is fecking brilliant!
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  2. Good man , there is a special place in Hell reserved for people who put mixers in single-malt .
    It's just between paedophiles and people who ask for very well-done steak :yum
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  3. I’ve not drunk whisky since I was at Bar school and we went on a weekend seminar course at one of the royal lodges in Windsor Great Park. There was a social in the bar on the first night and my mates and I foolishly decided to try every single malt. Error. I have a vague recollection of events until about midnight, then my next contact with consciousness was being woken up by someone as I was lying in the fœtal position on the ground, outside, at 5am, covered in frost, with a half-smoked cigar clamped between my teeth.

    I was so ill the next day and the day after that I’ve never touched whisky again.
    • Funny Funny x 6
  4. Last weekend sounded messy, what are you and the lads doing this weekend? :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Called to the Bar indeed....:D imo whisky provides the worst hangovers known to mankind.
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  6. I had a similar experience with Southern Comfort, can’t stand even the smell of it since.
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  7. there's a world of difference between the double and triple. i have the double and it's quite bland by comparison. still v,nice tho. it's been a couple of years since i had a bottle of the triple and i'm now starting to doubt myself. the Mr's says it was 14 yr triple oak. which is a bit of a bummer that i cant be more specific cos i want another bottle. awesome, smells very caramely/smokey.
    i know where i tasted it the first time. (kings house hotel Glencoe) i guess i'm gonna have to have another tasting session.
    nightmare. :D
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  8. My 21st birthday was the last time I drunk that sweet sticky stuff. It was a night of Strongbow with SC chasers.
    I have never been so hungover. It lost me nearly three days.

    edit. I have a similar tale regarding Pernod and Black. That was at 16/17 and only lost me a day.
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  9. One of my best days was at the Talisker distillery. The poor guy behind the bar had just suffered some Americans asking for a wide range of crap to be put in the wide range of unusual single malts. When my wife I sat down and actually talked to him about different ones and showed a (small) amount of knowledge such as difference between islands, speyside etc we were instant friends. More than a couple ‘if you like X try this’ we’re passed across free of charge and a fantastic couple of hours was had by all. Thankfully our campsite was only half a mile away.
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  10. Red wine has whisky beat. Ask me how I know, as that’s another tipple I haven’t been able to touch for years o_O
  11. Tell me about it... 17 years old & heard you could get hammered drinking through a straw. Couldn't find any straws so resorted to a bic pen with the ink cartridge removed and a finger over the hole. With two bottles of home made red wine.

    Very ill and unbeknownst to me mother came home and had to use the toilet whilst I was passed out on the floor with arms around the toilet pedestal.... : unamused:

    But still nowhere near two days of sweaty palmed, unbalanced, queasy unease induced by the Scottish fire water.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. Two bottles. Through a straw. At age 17? That’s hardcore.

    Mine was in 2017 rather than when I was 17. I’d been in court in the morning and when I got back to Chambers I was persuaded to go for lunch in Middle Temple Hall with a couple of others who were at a similarly loose end. This turned into a boozy afternoon sitting on the terrace in Lincoln’s Inn when we got through a bottle of red each, which was manageable. However, I was told (but I couldn't remember) that when we got back to Chambers in the evening (luckily only 100m away) I found another bottle of red wine, which, unwisely as it turns out, I drank on my own.

    In addition to not remembering the second bottle, I couldn't remember how I got home (some 6 hours later) but when I did, I fell asleep on the sofa. So far so normal.....but when I woke up at 3am I found that at some point I’d got changed out of my suit and for some unknown reason I was now dressed in black combat trousers, a black polo neck jumper and black boots. It looked like I was about to abseil out of a helicopter to storm the Iranian embassy or I was channelling the spirit of the Milk Tray man.

    I’ve never felt worse than I did the next day. To give you an idea - when I got out of bed to get some paracetamol from the kitchen, I collapsed on the bedroom floor and being unable to either make progress towards going downstairs or getting back into bed, I just pulled the duvet onto the floor with me, pulled it over my head like Julius Caesar at the point of death and, I’m not ashamed to say, I whimpered like an abandoned puppy.
    #14 Zhed46, Jan 18, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
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  13. I never said I drank both bottles...:p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Fantastic - hehehe, those unexplained actions at the peak of inebriation. You can only hope you manage to maintain some degree of moral & ethical wisdom during such 'tired & emotional' moments.
    #16 Andy Bee, Jan 18, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
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  15. I was 18, my Dad took me to a dinner function on the Isle of Skye where they served single malt whisky instead of wine at the table. I have never ever gotten so sh1tfaced with the whisky that was flowing, drunk neat or with a splash of tap water. I staggered home with my Dad, falling over twice and ripping holes in my suit trousers, to some cabin we were staying in and I remember having to stand and lean my head against the wall to balance in order to take my trousers off. My Mum promptly announced porridge for breakfast the next morning and I just sprinted for the bathroom and hugged the toilet. My Dad drove me back down to London the next day and I lost that whole day and at least two following days afterwards. So very hungover, probably bordering on alcoholic poisoning. I'm now not a big fan of Highland peaty tasting Single Malts and as I got older and had kids, my alcohol intake has slowed down to less than a single unit per week on average. A bit different to the 10-12 pints twice per week after a game of rugby at Uni.... I'm a cheap date these days when it comes to booze.
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  16. This is the best (so far) single malt at the pub . . . .
    #18 PerryL, Jan 21, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
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  17. My personal favourite.
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  18. Liking this brand at the moment especially this one.
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