Featured 1980 Darmah 900 Ssd In France

Discussion in 'Vintage' started by Guillaume69, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. Are the FPS wheels prone to crack or deteriorate over time? I never checked mine during the refurb 3 years ago or so.
  2. Yeah, that’s why I picked this one, even though it feels really big. With the OEM rubber strap, it should be a good snug fit.
  3. With great regularity those rubber straps split at the point they fold over the front of the battery.

    I fiited a much smaller physical battery and used a nylon buckle strap thingy instead.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. @Andy Bee

    You’re gonna have to bear with me as I must try the OEM route once with this strap, before I move on to some more robust set-up. But thanks, as I really value your inputs and those of other experienced members on these bevels/Darmah.

    Reporting swing arm off as well as front sprocket. Took me about 10’ after reading the procedure in the workshop manual. I found the pivot nice and greased. Of course, there’s a greaser down there. Looks like my Ferguson. That’s really good fun, when everything goes so smooth! B48076DC-7EB6-4109-BD14-872C4F7CE8BE.jpeg 157ABF5F-52A2-40CE-8F74-B1EF00E142D4.jpeg 96E32395-9521-4377-86BE-8B8142F92B51.jpeg 9C37D16A-A1E5-4CB3-A67D-8D8827139AA5.jpeg 8D3013F9-6616-4874-9A65-1AB1DC3BF469.jpeg

    Checked and no play between the swing arm and frame. Bushings look good. Neutral light switch is toast. New one on order at Back to Classics (hopefully, their website is giving me hell…)

    On to more cleaning now. :cool:
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  5. Yep, that looks all nice & clean. Doesn't look to be any leakage from the output shaft either and the neutral switch isn't in the best position for survival but beware, because it doesn't always tell the truth :)

    I see you have chain marks on the top of the swingarm & I also noticed you've seen my thread where I made up a chain slider. I reckon that should be a non OEM addition to make - on mine it had actually cut two parallel slots in the metal :eek: You can lessen the effect a little by having the eccentric's in a position with the swingarm pivot on the lower part of it's arc - keeping a close eye on the chain tension is also a must. The lower chain slider bolted to the centre stand mounting plate is also a must.

    This thread might also be of interest regarding the tightness of those swingarm pivot blocks https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/darmah-swingarm-eccentric-turning-in-frame.99665/
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  6. @Andy Bee

    Yes, I have read this thread where you explain all this and will definitely heed your advice. Regarding the eccentrics position, I am used to the same precaution for my 916, to keep the chain away from the swing arm, so I’ll look into all this when putting things back together.
    The swing arm is really not that bad, it’s only paint scuffing, really. E7C0A727-ED79-446F-B567-BFADC3822437.jpeg

    Unfortunately, however, the case has been machined by the chain in spite of the OEM bushing, which looks functionally dead… CB9EC1B7-F0D0-454F-A8B4-B1800BB51595.jpeg 98DF87AE-A2B1-4569-B14E-D2200F8930B7.jpeg

    I will be looking into a replacement to start fresh. Nothing I can do for the cases, though. ;)
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  7. Not that it will help you, but I had my chain damage welded up when I had the cases apart.
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  8. What can also help in addition to maintaining the correct chain tension is to not lug the engine at lows revs as that tends to snatch & grab at the chain getting it all slappy.

    I try to keep the revs above 2.5 k.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Not planning to split the cases this time round but I will keep that solution in mind. :upyeah:
  10. Some progress today.
    Took care of the eccentrics. You see, someone without the appropriate tool decided to adjust chain tension probably using a hammer and a flat screwdriver. That obviously left horrendous scars… A7E35257-D160-4AF1-B362-4C441E584354.jpeg

    So I decided to sort this out by chamfering the damaged holes. And it looks way better. That and polishing everything (eccentrics and frame) with scotchbrite and steel wool, which helped getting very smooth rotation of eccentrics without grease yet (I had to drive them out of the frame in the first place…) 7F3EC0C8-5A7F-4EA8-A926-6355E3449EFB.jpeg
    #70 Guillaume69, Jan 18, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
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  11. I also started to work on the rear sprocket assembly. That went well too. Goal is to replace the bearings by fresh new ones, which I am expecting in the mail sometime next week (along with steering and wheels bearings). D608BA8D-1261-4631-9AFA-17C24F91D9BE.jpeg 99BC1530-C154-46B6-B652-5EEC9CB34641.jpeg 853DA268-BAFD-4570-A1C9-1D25777BB6BB.jpeg
  12. For gods sake just don't do this :scream: :poop:.
    It hangs on my shed wall.

  13. @duc13

    Don’t do what? Weld the carrier to the hub?
  14. That's a new one!
  15. The rubber battery straps fitted originally in the 1970s and 80s would last for several years. Buy a new one now and it lasts 5 minutes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. It is almost understandable especially if the wheel hub bolt holes are completely knackered.... almost understandable :)
  17. @Guillaume69

    One thing I've noticed is the lack of air filter boxes - although I'm not sure the SSD came with them :thinkingface:
  18. @Andy Bee

    That’s an excellent comment, Andy. I have been wondering about this all week last week. I keep looking and don’t understand where these boxes would fit on this bike…

    Edit: Comparing SD and SSD intake set-ups, the former seems to have air hoses running into the carbs, where the later seems a direct intake, very much like the bevel 900SS. 8EC845D4-C700-4DB7-9D6B-0BFCCED7A697.jpeg 70A25CC0-CDB3-41F7-8B04-12C06A11E80B.jpeg
    #79 Guillaume69, Jan 19, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
  19. I have taken left and right covers off. Very beautiful inside, it’s a real pleasure to discover shiny aluminum everywhere.

    Clutch/starter/pickups on the left hand side:
    8E91955E-5F1F-4F9B-83F7-7B083DF6D6C5.jpeg 929D6E65-4066-458C-820B-51827D1915B2.jpeg

    Alternator on the right hand side:
    E6CC3650-B93D-45AB-8727-9D87033DE43B.jpeg 05D171A3-3863-4E6A-8147-667234C323CF.jpeg
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