Has Britain moved, last I checked we were a little off the coast of France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Waiting for the engine stand to turn up with the suspension rebuild bits, then once the shocks and forks are rebuilt, I plan on tackling the engine. It was put away with fresh oil in it 30+ years ago, and turned over with some decent compression, so I am hoping the 2,200 miles on the clock are genuine and the engine just needs minimal work. Going to see if I can get a full 12V and electronic ignition kit from Lacey Ducati plus bolts and bearings to do a full internal refresh, but first need to strip the engine, then get the casings vapour blasted and coated.
Shocks done and Side Panels came up with soap and cloths. Front forks will be striped next and then onto the engine. Getting a nice pile of bits ready ready for sand blasting the Frame, Fixings and getting the bolts plated.