1200 DVT Rear Hub Removal

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Tally, Jan 19, 2025.

  1. Hi All

    Adjusting the hub is really getting hard so I’m going to clean and check the hub. I’ve Got wheel out and axel, rear brake and sprocket off but the little frame you attach the rear brake to won’t budge. The chain adjustment won’t slacken any more which I’ve seen has to be turned fully clockwise to enable the brake adaptor to slide off.

    Any thoughts on how to get it off?

    The chain adjuster turned to its slackest point so assume it’s not going to go any further but maybe need to get a metal bar on the Ducati tool to give it more torque.
    #1 Tally, Jan 19, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
  2. Have you removed the large circlip which holds the brake plate in place? Needs large circlip pliers.
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  3. Good idea to remove the eccentric hub from the swinging arm. It's probably full of dirt water and sludge.
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  4. Yes everything i
    Yes everything is out including both circlips. The 13inch circlip tool I got made it a piece of cake. Got a set of 4 for £30 in a zipped case.
    called US Pro item 2255.

    Just the bracket stuck now. Anyone had to firmly gently lever it off?
  5. Maybe a bit corroded in place
  6. Got it off. Needed levering off from several different points with a screwdriver.
  7. Aluminium and screwdrivers usually don't mix. Hopefully you got it off with no "battle" scars.
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  8. Seems so bud. No damage thank goodness.
  9. All done and back on. Quite a bit of the usual detritus in there. All cleaned and greased and the chain adjustment now moves smoothly.

    13 inch circlips meant they came on and off easily.
    Thanks for all the advice. I wasn’t great at maintenance but the guidance and advice on here is so helpful. As is the workshop manual. The person who uploaded that is a Saint. This forum is superb.
  10. Will it soon get clogged with dirt again? Or did you pack something into the void to keep detritus out?
  11. I consider it a regular service check everytime I do the oil, I know others have plugged it but personally, I'd rather it be open to stop damp setting in and causing more damage.
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  12. I’m just going to keep doing as soon as the chain adjustments gets stiff. Now I’ve got the tools and the know how it shouldn’t take long.
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  13. Having had the same issue with a Honda VFR I filled mine, on my previous Multistrada, with builders expanding foam. Have yet to carry out a hub service on the Pikes Peak.
  14. Is it the drain hole underneath which needs filling?
  15. No, needs to be left open and make sure it’s not clogged.
  16. I filled mine with expended polystyrene and sealant.
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