Streetfighter V4 Vs Front Head Stand

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DrZoidberg, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. I hope i'm not being thick but i'm having issues with my recently purchased BikeTek Front Head Stand.
    Never used a front head stand before.
    Bought the pin that goes with my SF V4s 2023, 27mm from memory.
    Whatever i do the bloody thing will not stay up, i can get the bike to lift up but within seconds the stand folds back up again
    Picture for reference, no assembly instructions but seemed very straightforward, what am i missing?
  2. Don't know but picture not working for me.
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  3. Do you have the back wheel in a paddock stand? It may help with stability.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Yes it’s on a rear stand mate
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  5. Your photos all show the handle end flat on the floor. Pick the handle up, off the floor. So it’s upright. Get peg into the bottom of steering stem, once plugged in securely, get handle and push to the floor, thus raising the front end and ‘locking’ itself.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Exactly what I’m doing mate, and everytime the stand “breaks” at the joint
  7. It’s got to be a technique thing. That’s exactly the same as the one I have. If you do what @Borgo Panigale says it should work.

    When you go to lift it you do have the wheels far enough towards the rear of the bike don’t you?
    • Like Like x 1
  8. I will take a video and post, its got me stumped
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  9. you got anymore pictures.......:p
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1

  10. around 35 secs in the removal .....fitting is the reverse pin in first then rotate the bottom section wheels towards the back of the bike
    • Useful Useful x 1
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