996 I'm Very Stupid

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Andrew46, Jan 28, 2025.

  1. Not religious at all, but feel I need make a confession to perhaps help others
    After doing belts, clearances etc (removed wiring loom to make access easier), low pressure light was on as soon as I tried to start the bike at the weekend, and weirdly the neutral light would come on after a second or two, but thought that may have been Italian 90's design flair that it would be a surprise if you were in neutral or not until it was running.
    Ordered a new Vauxhall/ Alfa Romeo etc sensor for a fiver, it comes tomorrow so thought I'd check a few things tonight. Took the vertical cylinder valve inspection plate off, there was plenty of fresh oil so all good. Then took the sensor out, it had oil inside it, so assumed pump wasn't cavitating. Gently put a small Allen key in the sensor, can easily feel it switch, so not broken Turned ignition and did the same thing, magically the neutral light came on, what a f#cking tw@t I'd put the neutral and oil pressure sensor plugs in wrong sockets. Swapped them round, perfect.
    Mixed emotions, very relieved engine not poorly, but other hand feel a bit of a tit!
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  2. At least you figured it out good man.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. At least you have a spare now.
  4. I’d be way more relieved than embarrassed.

    Glad you got it sorted.
  5. All been there mate
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I think many if not all here, like to feel a bit -or a lot- of tit, with either hand!
    • Funny Funny x 4
  7. I almost did that too once. They are one of the few plugs in the same area that are the same.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Feeling like a tit, eh?

    Wait until you mix up the two spark plug wires and try to start your bike for the first time after a belt change…

    That’ll make you feel like a tit with a pierced nipple. In shat pants…
    • Funny Funny x 6
  9. If you've never made a mistake you've never done anything.
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  10. Changed the belt on my Alfa Romeo once with a 1 tooth shift.. EML came on with a misfire on 1 cylinder. Took a while do diagnose... :confused:
  11. We only ever learn from our mistakes.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Thank you for the kind words, feel a bit less tit-like now. And at least no pants shat in!
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