Motorcycle Security

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by J biker, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. See Post 7
  2. Still available second hand
    Bought mine on eBay
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  3. Beautiful dogs. We have two terriers and the only time my wife has really put her foot down is to me wanting to add a Rhodesian Ridgeback.....
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  4. They are a fantastic breed, I’ve had many over the years and they are incredibly loyal and protective. Stubborn buggers too!
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  5. As an aside I am shocked Almax are no longer trading. I have owned 2 of their chains for 18 years now and they are still amazing. Perhaps that is their problem.... a lot of people that need one probably already own one!

    As with anything... do just enough to make the next bike look easier to steal. Noise definitely works. I have video of a toe rag trying to break into a garage and as soon as the alarm goes off he scurries off to his mate waiting on a nearby scooter.
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  6. Always remove the rear wheel if you can.
  7. The Crime Prevention Website has lots of helpful info:

    It includes a garage security info webpage, although it’s less detailed than some of the other Crime Prevention Website advice.

    If you’re considering a new garage door, the webpage below could be useful. It shows which garage doors have passed the relevant (insurance industry or Secured by Design) high-security tests:
    #27 Freerange_egg, Jan 31, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
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