The LED light has gone in our integrated fridge. It’s an AEG SKE818E1DC. I can source a replacement LED unit but I can’t see how to remove the plastic trim below and I don’t want to force it and break a tab. Anyone know how to remove it to give access to the light panel?
Image 3 suggests to me that you should be pulling towards you horizontally, not down, but I don't know for sure. As a complete aside, are those Sainsbury's eggs completely White like Duck Eggs? The ones I've brought in Sainsburys for the last few weeks have been.
It's going to one of those things you have to pull 5 x harder than you are comfortable with to get off. The trouble being of course that whilst in use cold plastic is more likely to break. I think it's going to test your bravery levels. Odd about the Eggs. I wonder if it's a regional thing, although I'm assuming yours and ours both come from a depot in Oxfordshire.
I will have a poke up the vertical sides to see if there are tabs to push in before yanking on it too hard. Or just get a torch!
In case you pull too hard Second image does show the top pulls forward, but doesn't show the reverse of the lower part.
Colour is down to the breed usually. My remaining ihen, Ethel, s a Crested Cream Leg Bar(!) and she lays pale green ones.
Back home in Germany almost all eggs are white with a few brown ones every now and then. Definitely a breed thing. My neighbour has one hen that lays dark brown eggs and one lays them in a bright pastel green.
8.2 Replacing the lamp The appliance is equipped with a longlife LED interior light. Only service is allowed to replace the lighting device. Contact your Authorised Service Centre.