Domestic Appliance Experts To The Batphone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Expat Jack, Feb 3, 2025.

  1. The LED light has gone in our integrated fridge. It’s an AEG SKE818E1DC. I can source a replacement LED unit but I can’t see how to remove the plastic trim below and I don’t want to force it and break a tab. Anyone know how to remove it to give access to the light panel?

    IMG_3554.jpeg IMG_3552.jpeg IMG_3553.jpeg
  2. Image 3 suggests to me that you should be pulling towards you horizontally, not down, but I don't know for sure.

    As a complete aside, are those Sainsbury's eggs completely White like Duck Eggs?
    The ones I've brought in Sainsburys for the last few weeks have been.
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  3. I thought the same (horizontal slide) but no joy. Think it’s anchored at rear too.
    Eggs are brown. :D
  4. It's going to one of those things you have to pull 5 x harder than you are comfortable with to get off.
    The trouble being of course that whilst in use cold plastic is more likely to break.

    I think it's going to test your bravery levels.

    Odd about the Eggs.
    I wonder if it's a regional thing, although I'm assuming yours and ours both come from a depot in Oxfordshire.
  5. I will have a poke up the vertical sides to see if there are tabs to push in before yanking on it too hard.
    Or just get a torch!
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  6. No idea about the light.

    Aldi eggs are the best. Aside from being cheaper they are available in XL!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Our Sainsburys eggs are white too. A fairly recent change. No idea why.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Our eggs are white (and yellow) when you crack them. :p
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  9. Mine are broken in scrambled & omelettes!
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  10. Colour is down to the breed usually. My remaining ihen, Ethel, s a Crested Cream Leg Bar(!) and she lays pale green ones.
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  11. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 5
  12. Chisel it off?
    Been White eggs from sainers for a few weeks for us.
    Hopefully not from a small hen.:no_mouth:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. Back home in Germany almost all eggs are white with a few brown ones every now and then. Definitely a breed thing. My neighbour has one hen that lays dark brown eggs and one lays them in a bright pastel green.
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  14. spent 10 minutes looking through Forums and User Manual* without any joy.

    *totally useless
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  15. So this is the egg thread now then? :joy:
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  16. It appears to have the makings of an embryonic one.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  17. 8.2 Replacing the lamp
    The appliance is equipped with a longlife LED interior light.
    Only service is allowed to replace the lighting device. Contact your Authorised Service Centre.
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