Had the phone call today and my insurance renewal premium on the V4 Pikes Peak is £380 which includes, business use (for IAM observing), bike valued at £25,000 and up to 12,000 miles a year. Add annual European recovery which includes an allowance for French motorway recovery and bike/rider/pillion repatriation, at £80 and an “administration” fee of £40, I ended up paying £500. Andy
Think they’re really struggling. I’ve been with them for years and my insurance took a massive hike this year with no changes. I ended up with Bennett’s for about 1/2 the price
Refused cover at last renewal after a year with BeMoto. Apparently due to underwriters restricting/refusing cover on higher value and higher powered bikes. Went back to Carole Nash who were competitive. Also ahead of this year's trip got travel insurance through them. Has an off in France in late June. Travel insurance came into its own and covered hospital and repatriation for me. Was finally informed bike has been written off as of yesterday... Think my insurance is going up this year whatever the market is doing. Looks like I'm part off the problem, soz
got home today and a letter from Sainsbury's bank addressed to some one else some was trying to get insured on a BMW m sport using my address. phoned them up and they froze it all and logged it to their fraud department. should i be worried about anything? is there anything else i should do?
There was a piece about this on morning TV last week. Yet again another scam, whereby any summonses or fines will come to your address. They advised if you receive anything to inform the DVLA and police.
Worth reporting it to the local police? If for no other reason than to cover yourself in the event of someone else turning up at your door as they’ve been given your address by the scumbag? On what you say I’m not sure there’s must to investigate but I’d do it as an arse-covering exercise.
I once called my boat insurance company because I realised I’d not heard from them about the renewal which was due in a few days. I was told a renewal email and set of documents had been sent out to me a couple of weeks previously and asked if I could confirm my address. When I did it transpired they had sent them to a different email address and to another house in our road, but then when we discussed more details there were other inconsistencies, like the name of the boat, and the boat and engine combination being completely different to what they should be. To cut a long story short it turned out that my neighbour had brought a boat a few months before and phoned the same insurance company for a quote. When he gave them our postcode they amended my policy to his personal information and boat details then quoted him for a change to the policy for the rest of the year, not a new policy for a whole year. My boat had in effect not been insured for theft etc for months, and had I hit somebody in or on the water my £2M Third party cover would not have been in place. They assured me that because of the error on their part they would have honoured any claim, but I’m glad I didn’t have to test that. I went round to see my neighbour to warn him he’d be hearing from them and lost another little bit of faith in humanity. He went and got the policy document to show me. He hadn’t noticed that the policy was in my name not his. He’d not queried why the cost from that company was ½ the price of all his other quotes. He’d not noticed that the term of the policy was less than 6 months. And when the renewal letter and email arrived he’d not noticed my name on them, and had ignored them as he ‘knew’ the policy must have months and months to run. I suggested he called them immediately as his boat was no longer insured, warned him he’d be paying far more from now on, and hoped to never meet such an incompetent on the water.
nice one chaps, you have to so so vigilant now days, literally any un usual post, email or text/phone call has to be treated with suspicion. you ignore it at your peril