The Future Of Ducati If Vw Collapse

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Simon Evans, Feb 6, 2025.

  1. I am curious as to everyone's thoughts on the future of Ducati with the decline of VW Group who I have been reading are in a do or die situation with not too many years left to turn things around with their huge depts. I know it sounds ridiculous but it doesn't seem that VW are doing so well with their commitment to electric cars and the cost of producing them. Since their biggest market is China and they simply can't produce cost effective electric car to compete in that market. Just wondering what the long term plan would be for Ducati. I know they have been doing very well in recent years but wondering if VW group would need to sell. I am no expert in these matters just curious what others think.
  2. The group is forecasting a 5.7% return on investment with an operating profit of 2.2 billion Euros for 2024. It’s a tough market with significantly fewer foreign sales (China) than expected reported but they are hardly on the bones of their arse. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Aren't they almost 180 Billion in debt doesn't that offset considerably any return on investment.
  4. I trade VW debt and it is fair to say bond spreads have widened recently due to falling sales globally 6.7 million to 6.5 million, revenue 237 billion, profit down from 13 bn to 9bn, 34bn of cash and 211 bn debt.
    If you got through that lot :dizzy:, the picture is of a vast firm struggling to adopt to EVs, Chinese competition in China and the EU and possible US tariffs.
    Costs are too high in Germany and recent negotiations with unions barely addressed them.
    VW is not about to collapse.

    Regarding Ducati, I did notice VW is selling a 15% stake in truck maker Traton, so who knows? I doubt Ducati is regarded as a core product for VW and presumably a good price could be obtained after recent sales and racing success.
    #4 Paul55, Feb 6, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025
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  5. Fairly flat sales and revenue. I guess the big question is whether bikes will go the way of cars (electric), and if so does Ducati have one and will it appeal to their clientele?


  6. Ducati have pumped a fair bit into Moto E development, the V21L
    #6 noonooo, Feb 6, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025
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  7. Nope, not in the slightest
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. If they (car manufacturers) persist with electric cars they'll bankrupt themselves....the only way forward from a battery point of view is graphene batteries - once thats perfected then the electric car will start to win people over...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. mid 2030’s I believe?
  10. If thats how long it takes. As much as i hate electric cars ironically ive got a small chunk of shares in a graphene battery company....been a holder for a couple of years now....its all about scaling up the cell size...and theyre not there yet (for cars) - commedically radio controlled cars now use graphene - its the weapon of choice if youre racing them...

    Tesla are working with them currently.
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  11. No one will be running petrol stations just for the bike market.
  12. Nope, they'll all be selling hydrogen
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I very much doubt VW will collapse but I also doubt Ducati are a brand they really care about keeping in the portfolio. Infact the only reason they bought Ducati was because the then CEO was a huge bike nut!!!
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  14. Yep, Vanity project for the boss is what i read at the time. Didn't they dive in just when Mercedes were preparing to make a bid.
    As far as i am concerned the sooner they are out of the VW group the better.

    I also have no interest in an Electric Ducati. An electric bike perhaps but not Ducati.
    I want them Bevel driven, dry clutch, lead sealed crank cases and beautiful.
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  15. "I want them Bevel driven, dry clutch, lead sealed crank cases and beautiful."

    I'll second that motion!
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  16. No chance. Hydrogen is just not viable in personal vehicles.
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  17. Tiz so, several manufacturers have them, Toyota have had one for many many years
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Personal airships is where it’s at landlubbers :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. For sure, but even when the ICE cars stop being sold, there will be at least another 10-15 years of petrol stations, so...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. I think that the connection with VAG has benefited Ducati significantly in terms of engineering, electrics, technical advancement and, dare I say it, reliability. Guess I'm not an old school Ducatisti having come to the marque only 6 years ago...
    #20 Bumpkin, Feb 7, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2025
    • Agree Agree x 6
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