1200 Counter Shaft Seal

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mike 999, Feb 9, 2025.

  1. Hello everyone.
    I'm currently doing quite a few jobs on the bike, which is a MTS 1200s 2010 with 43k miles on th clock.
    One of those jobs is replacing the front sprocket.
    Someone told me it may be wise to replace the washer in the picture (the brown one) in case of future leaks due to the mileage of the bike.
    Has anyone done this before?
    I've looked in the manual but the only picture I can find doesn't have this seal at all.

    WhatsApp Image 2025-02-08 at 15.49.17_8263f592.jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2025-02-09 at 18.14.11_45805f4d.jpg
  2. Doesn't look like it's leaking. I would leave it.
    But if you do change the seal, make sure the inside collar isn't worn where the seal runs
    #2 ducv2, Feb 9, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2025
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  3. It’s an oil seal not a washer and it’s not leaking so leave it be.
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  4. thanks. I think I'll leave the brown seal where it is and just replace the o ring (number 16 in the picture).
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  5. Does it actually have an O ring? I'd also leave the seal if it's not leaking.
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  6. As others have said, if it's not leaking, leave it. I've replaced the front sprocket more times than I can remember on these bikes and have never replaced an o-ring...
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