Shopping For A Trackday Suit With An Airbag... Help!

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Todders, Feb 8, 2025.

  1. No I just ordered my normal size
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  2. What are ARN Race Leathers like? Any good?

    ARN GP Pro gloves look pretty promising, and achieving CE Level 2 is reassuring. However, I’ve never seen ARN in the leather.
  3. I have a 2018 Aplinestarrs GP suit and race airbag vest.(the one with 2 charges)
    It was £2100 in 2018 used for only 4 track days in the same year, the suit been stored in my cupboard and the airbag in its own box.
    I plugged the airbag in charger and connected to Aplinestars online diagnose. All seems fine. Either way, I would strongly advise a service. (Alpinestars approved dealer should be able to send it on your behalf)
    I am 5'7" and 11 stones.
    You can have it for £500 if it fits you.
  4. Hey Alexko. Thank you for the kind offer, but the other day I purchased a new 'RST Pro Series Airbag One Piece' suit which was on sale for about 50% off. Your suit sounds like a real quality bit of gear!
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  5. Sorry, I somehow missed your post at the bottom of page 1. :eek:
    Enjoy, your 2t weapon, and cover the clutch :laughing: ..I rode an 250rgv and R1 back in 2018.
    R1 much faster, but definitely had more fun on the rgv250.
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  6. Thanks.
    Ya, I'm not going on to the track with the aim to set laps records... I just want to have some fun on the little bike.
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  7. My wife has had a set made after getting measured at the NEC in Nov (show special) and they fit like a glove. The quality is really good and they have achieved AAA rating. They sponsor a number of racers so don't think they can afford to be anything other than quality. Check out their reviews and Facebook content, that should give you a fair idea. She hasn't used them in anger yet obviously, was too cold but is very happy with how they feel both on and off the bike.
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  8. A couple of points re the In & Motion

    In & Motion have a significant number of users across equestrian, mountain biking and motorcycling. They update their software quite regularly.
    The “brain” for the In & Motion can be used in multiple suits - I have a road 2 piece RST as well as my race suit and transfer between.
    You can suspend the subscription over winter for a reduced rate
    For track use there is an annual fee of £25 for the track algorithms. I think there is an off road option too
    I believe that after a certain amount of time (3 years?) you can “own” the brain, but you don’t get any updates
    The In & Motion airbag has a built in back protector that can be upgraded to a Furygan one for about £80.
  9. I own my brain and I still get updates. I think you are on your own if it packs up, that’s all.
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  10. Ok, thanks for clarifying. Mine did pack up about 18 months ago and they sent me a new one without quibble and it transitioned seamlessly (with the subscription).
    Good to know you get the updates as an owner.
    Overall, I like the In & Motion airbag, it definitely saved me from injury when I crashed. I just would like the other protection areas that AStars offer (hips etc)
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  11. I've got the astars race vest. Cost me a grand on its own, but not sure how good it is. 2 mates have has big highsides in them and it's failed to go off which resulted in significant injuries to both
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  12. @shakeys dad That’s disappointing :(

    I, too, wear an Alpinestars Race vest. It wasn’t cheap! One reason I bought it was because it had more sensors (ten) than alternative airbags.
  13. There have been reports of the RST V4.1 airbag suit not activating as well. I had a mysterious email from them back in winter 2022/23. I had to send them my suit for an “upgrade”. Easy process and totally free. They gave me a set of new knee sliders for the trouble.
    In 2023 their suit actually saved my life (not exaggerating). Having said that, following Bennett’s airbag reviews I have been looking at A Stars as a bit of a protection upgrade. I’m in a bit of a quandary - most likely will stick with RST. It’s bought and paid for and it works.
  14. While I doubt any airbag is 100% failsafe, we lack the most important info: in which crash scenarios will they deploy? I have no clue how this could be tested, but we won’t find out for as long as manufacturers make up most of the CE and BSI standards committees (regulatory capture) :(

    It makes choosing an airbag guesswork, which I find frustrating considering their price.
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  15. Also I don’t think Astar and others publish non activations after an “off”. On road or track. Happy to be proven wrong on this of course.
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